The Senses of Summer

Touring the Heat

Matthew Querzoli
The Quintessential Q
2 min readNov 4, 2016


In Australia, we’re a month away from coming into what will probably be a hot summer. Today, on a blistering hot spring day, while surfing with a mate, I was reintroduced, as is the case every year, to what summer feels like — through my five different senses.




  • Hot sand.
  • Hot asphalt.
  • Hot concrete.
  • Hot metal.
  • Hot wood.
  • Hot seatbelt.
  • Holyfuckthat’seriouslyhotI’vegotthirddegreeburns steering wheel.
  • Cool salt water.
  • Peeling skin.
  • Aloe vera.
  • Sunscreen.


  • Searing skin.
  • “Bit hot today, isn’t it mate?”
  • “Christ, it’s a balmy one.”
  • “Fuck it’s hot.”
  • “It’s a stinker.”
  • “Lucky I left the jumper at home.”
  • “Jesus Christ we’re in the Middle East.”
  • “What’s that about global warming not being real?”
  • “Reckon the corner store sells dry ice?”
  • “I can’t tell my nipples apart from my burnt skin.”
  • “Where’s the shade?”
  • “Where the bloody hell is the shade?”
  • “See that? Branded by my seatbelt the other day.”


  • Slowly roasting soles of feet.
  • Burning shoulders.
  • Burning other parts of the body.
  • Sunscreen.
  • Melted icebergs.


  • Dry mouth.
  • Cold water.
  • Ice cream.
  • Hot, plastic-tasting water, because you’re an idiot and left it in the car, which, in turn, you left in the sun for hours.

Matt Querzoli and the rest of the southern hemisphere are entering the summer months. Hell fuck yeah. Follow his writing blog, his letters to strangers blog or his blog blog if you liked the post, or even the bloke himself if this tickled your proverbial pickle.

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