Go to The Reverb
The Reverb
Reverb reflects the multitude of ways people are building the world we know is possible. A world without violence–rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to the earth. It is a place for stories, poetry, music, prose, art and other forms of expression.
Note from the editor

Reverb is a place for stories, poetry, music, prose, artwork, and other forms of expression that illustrate the possibility we all feel in this moment — the promise of transformation that comes when our selves, communities, and collective systems center care over control, and honor what we all know to be true — that our destinies are bound up in one another’s. If you feel inspired to contribute, please reach out to us at: comms(at)resonance-network.org

Go to the profile of Adiel Suarez-Murias
Adiel Suarez-Murias
queer comms brujx. cuban. co-conspirator. she/her/ella
Go to the profile of Lola Ibrahim
Lola Ibrahim
Inspired by ideas that catalyze change and create a just world.
Go to the profile of Resonance Network
Resonance Network
Resonance Network is a constellation of people building a world without violence, rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to our planet.
Go to the profile of Alexis Flanagan
Alexis Flanagan
A queer Black feminist DC girl whose heart pumps to the beat of “the Pocket” that holds down DC go-go music and culture. Co-Director of Resonance Network.
Go to the profile of Root. Rise. Pollinate !
Root. Rise. Pollinate !
We activate and accompany a global community of feminist changemakers as we steward our ecosystems into a peaceful, thriving, interdependent world.
Go to the profile of Norma Wong
Norma Wong
Norma Wong (Norma Ryuko Kawelokū Wong Roshi) is a teacher at the Institute of Zen Studies and Daihonzan Chozen-ji, having trained in Zen for nearly 40 years.
Go to the profile of Sophie Garcia
Sophie Garcia
Astrology Chisme, Anti-Gentrification, and Retrofuturism from a Gen-Z Indigenous Mexican.
Go to the profile of Lisbeth White
Lisbeth White
Lisbeth White is a writer and earth-centered ritualist living on the unceded lands of Chimacum, Macah, and S’klallam peoples in the Pacific Northwest.
Go to the profile of Emanuel H. Brown
Emanuel H. Brown
Emanuel is a Black Trans* leader in healing/arts/spiritual (HEARTS) Justice and believes radical wholeness is a path to freedom. @emanuelhbrown
Go to the profile of Amber Butts
Amber Butts
Amber Butts is a storyteller, cultural strategist, and grief worker. She firmly believes in the bonds of living beings everywhere.
Go to the profile of O R A C L E
O R A C L E is a storyteller, songwriter, and vocalist who makes music for their healing. Music has been a way for them to make sense of their inner world.
Go to the profile of Yesenia Veamatahau
Yesenia Veamatahau
Yesenia believes that in our bodies and communities we already hold the answers we seek. As a budding historyan, they're dedicated to recording those recipes.
Go to the profile of LaToya W-C
LaToya W-C
LaToya (she/her) is a DC-based civil servant advocating for just policies that uplift marginalized voices and support justice-impacted individuals.
Go to the profile of Alisha Williams
Alisha Williams
A Spirit-led individual moving with purpose. My writing & change management consulting are my contributions to ushering in a world of honesty, care and repair.