My BFF’s Dad Knows Exactly What He’s Doing

Maybe it’s his experience, or pehaps it’s the fact that he’s meant to be off limits.

Mona Rivers
The Scarlett Letter
5 min readAug 22, 2022


Undrey Via Depositphotos

If you missed the previous parts, you can find them here. Part 1 | Part 2

“We really shouldn’t be doing this,” I whispered as he nudged my legs apart. My yoga pants lay discarded on the floor of the apartment and whatever my lips were saying he was getting a very different message from down there.

Those lips were wet. Ready. Eager even.

It was hard to face the cold hard reality that I needed this. Craved it even. Ever since I had come across him on Tinder I hadn’t been able to stop myself. My best friend’s dad knew what he was doing.

Damn did he know what he was doing.

“I have no intention of stopping,” David replied before his tongue parted my folds. Slowly, purposefully he moved north until he flicked his tongue over my clit. “So if you want this to end, you’re going to need to do it.”

He tasted me again, and the feeling of his hard tongue against me sent a shiver through my entire being.

“Have you grown tired of me already?” He teased. “I can stop if you want.”

“No,” I groaned. “Running my fingers through his salt and pepper hair as I pulled him deeper into my needy sex. “Please, don’t stop.”

There was something to be said for David, he seemed to take great pleasure in making me orgasm. I think he enjoyed the power it gave him over me.

I thought of my BFF Tina, she loved her dad. And now so did I, but for a very different reason. I could never tell her of course, people frown on that. David was still married to her mom, but from the eagerness with which he ate me, I figured things weren’t going too well there. Each Saturday, he came by utterly ravenous, and each Saturday I’d helped him drain those big blue balls.

That was me, the good samaritan of sperm extraction, just helping a man in need.

“That’s it, Daddy,” I whispered. “You make me so wet.”

Hearing the words only spurred him on. I knew he loved that, the dirty bastard.

That was the moment my phone started vibrating against the coffee table. I glanced down at it and gasped. It was his daugher, Tina. My best friend. I groaned as her Dad stopped what he was doing.

“You need to get that?”

“Definitely not,” I replied. “It’s Tina.”

David had a wicked glint in his eye. “Oh well, in that case, I insist.”

“No,” I hissed. “She can never know.”

He shrugged. “I’ll keep going, the second you answer it. We both know how close you are.”

He was right and we both knew it, but I couldn’t answer it. Having his tongue inside me made me say all sorts of stupid things. What if I moaned his name right into his daughter’s ear.

David licked his lips. “Ready when you are.”

Reluctantly, I picked up the phone. He had me addicted to my release, and I couldn’t say no. I needed it.

“Hey Tina,” I managed trying to keep the whimper out of my voice as her Dad found my clit again.”

“Hey,” she replied giddily. “Feels like its been ages since I’ve seen you.”

Probably because I feel guilty as sin. I thought to myself. “Sorry about that, I uh, I’ve been seeing someone,” I managed between David’s insistent licks.

“Really? And you haven’t said a word. Is he hot?” Tina asked excitedly.

David looked up at me, eagerly awaiting my answer. I decided to toy with them both. “Oh, he’s ok. I’m mainly using him for his big cock.”

“Kellie,” she gasped.

Her dad shook his head as he went down on me again. I was going to pay for that and I knew it. His tongue found my clit again as he sank two fingers inside my soaked sex. I could hear the sound of his fingers as they stroked back and forth.

“Ahhh,” I couldn’t stop the groan before it escaped my lips.”

“Kellie? What was that?” Tina asked. “Is he there right now?”

“Yes,” I whispered, not wanting to lie to her any more than I already was.

“Oh hun, sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“It’s ok,” I replied. “I hadn’t spoken to you in ages.”

I thrust my pussy into her dad’s face as I spoke. I was close. So close.

David seemed to sense it too, because the next thing I knew I felt him withdraw his fingers. Still covered in my juices it moved lower circling my rosebud.

Before I could say a word, he slipped his finger right into my ass. I wanted to protest but nothing but heady moans came out of my mouth as he fingered my tight ass. With his tongue pulsing my clit, I came hard, squirting all over his chin as he pushed me over the edge.

It was the better part of a minute before I came down from my high and realized Tina was still on the phone. He’d made me climax while she listened in.

“Tina?” I whispered wondering how bad it was.

“Well now, you’re going to have to introduce me,” she replied.

“I’m sorry I just got carried away,” I replied. It was the most honest hing I’d said to her on the entire call.

“Good for you,” she replied. “Sounds like you needed that babe. See you soon.”

She hung up, leaving me looking down at her dad, a big grin on his face.

“Oh you are going to pay for that, Daddy,” I whispered.

He stroked his hard shaft with one hand. “Oh, I hope so.”

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If you missed the previous parts of this tale, you can find them here:

