Go to The Self Hack
The Self Hack
The Self Hack delivers equal parts financial news and tips, as well as daily life hacks and success stories of entrepreneurs from all walks of life.
Note from the editor

The Self Hack Publication is not solely dedicated to the creation of Self-Improvement, Finance, and other “Life Hack” style content and articles. Readers will find a wide variety of topics here, and although most content generally falls under the Life Hack genre, there are many personal stories, guides, opinion pieces, book reviews, etc.|Writers, you’re welcome to submit stories on any topic you choose. You’ll never be judged based upon past performance, or for being a new writer. We value original content that’s unique, and provides worth to the reader, over click-bait with no purpose other than obtaining views. Never change your style to fit other people’s ideas of what successful writing looks like. It’s your unique style & ideas people want to read. Always have heart & never fear the judgment of what people may, or may not think. This Publication is new, so if you're having a hard time figuring out how to submit a draft, inquiring about becoming a writer,(or editor if you have the desire and motivation), contact me at theselfhack@gmail.com, or my personal email: sprentice1420@yahoo.com|Submit draft or story, and please include your Medium User name so I can add you as a writer.

Go to the profile of Steven Tyler
Founder/Editor: the self h@ck
Steven Tyler
Owner & Editor of THE SELF H@CK Publication | Financial News >Crypto & Blockchain > Life Hacks |Website > https://www.theselfhack.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Griffin L.
Griffin L.
A young music lover looking to share his perspective with anyone willing to listen… or read, I suppose. Profile photo credit: https://www.vecteezy.com/
Go to the profile of Batablue
Writer, Data analyst & project coordinator. I paint the world with my color, and enjoy discovering what color others are made of.