Top Stories published by The Server Labs in 2008

Distributed JUnit testing with GridGain

Recently we have been running some problems while testing distributed applications with JUnit. The main problem was that we were running the client and the server within the same host. Although the test passed because the application logic was correct. Running…

Database storage in TIBCO EMS 5.0

Earlier this year TIBCO released a new version of their particular implementation of the JMS standard. TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 5.0 which, among others, includes some features which I personally consider very interesting.

When to use Transfer Objects with EJB 3

We’ve recently been involved in an EJB 3 project that uses the ‘Transfer Object’ Design Pattern. For those of you not familiar with it, this pattern came about as a result of the inefficiency of making multiple remote method calls to an EJB 2 Entity Bean.

Google Developer Day Madrid 2008

Yesterday I went to the Google Developer Day in Madrid. I was lucky because some colleagues filled the request form but they were not accepted by Google. A pity because the event was very interesting.

Developing Custom Hudson Plugins: integrate with your own applications

Hudson is a very good Continuous Integration (CI) tool. Though such tools are not new, it clearly sets a higher standard in terms of quality and extensibility compared to first generation CI tools like…

Amazon releases EBS, Persistent Storage for EC2

Last week Amazon announced the release of Elastic Block Store (EBS), a block based persistent storage mechanism for EC2. This is very exciting news that will make a huge impact on the adoption of cloud computing and virtualisation in general.

These were the top 10 stories published by The Server Labs in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.