Archive of stories published by The Startup Vagabond

Mentor/Mentee Case Study Part IV

So, at this stage my Mentee left his CEO position at his previous startup after negotiating a double…

Mentor/Mentee Case Study Part V

It’s been a bit but when we last left our young protagonist he had just gotten screwed out of his equity share in the Startup Weekend Revenge of the Nerds sellout at the same price, worse terms than he had brought to their table from a major Unicorn. The three amigos packed…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Startup Vagabond; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, and 2023.

The Startup Vagabond
Notes & observations from Stephen G. Barr’s six year long roadtrip across the US as a roaming startup advisor & C-Level executive mentor.
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