Day Seventeen: An Unexpected Mid-Afternoon Race

Distance: 52 mi.

Song of the Day: Black Sabbath — War Pigs (In honor of Danny ‘Dancin’ Grjonko)

7:30AM: Arise in Diane & Ken’s guestroom midst lighthouse decor. Lizzie asleep, I soundlessly glide…

Day Nineteen: Hills. All. Damned. Day.

Distance: 40 mi.

Song of the Day: Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush version)

Today was an insane, insane hill climbing day. Our legs are rubber and we’re very tired. Here’s a bullet list of ideas to return to, and

Day Fourteen, Part Two: Endless Sun on the Outer Banks

Distance: 45 mi.

Song of the Day: Mikey Chance — Stolen Chance

10AM: Mosey 1.5 miles to “Beans & Beads” coffee shop, ate scrumptious sugary muffins and ordered iced Americanos, the…

The Stones’ Cross-country Bike Tour
The Stones’ Cross-country Bike Tour
We are Kyle and Lizzie. Leaving Brooklyn in the middle of April 2017 on a bicycle tour of the country. See what we’re up to!
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