Go to The Swift Web Developer
The Swift Web Developer
The is a publication about Web Development using Swift on the server and the usual suspects on the Front-End. Did I mention there’s also a mailing list? Check it out! http://swiftwebweekly.com
Note from the editor

The Swift Web Developer is a weekly publication about, well, web development using Swift on the server and the usual suspects on the front-end. I hope you’ll find the articles published here interesting and useful. If you have any feedback or if you’d like to propose your story for being included in this publication, please get in touch!

Go to the profile of Gianluca Tranchedone
Gianluca Tranchedone
Software Engineer and Investor. I write about programming and investing.
Go to the profile of Caleb Kleveter
Caleb Kleveter
iOS and Vapor Fanatic. Has lots of fun open sourcing on GitHub.
Go to the profile of Petr Pavlík
Petr Pavlík
Staff iOS engineer by day, https://indiepitcher.com by night. I’ve also made http://swiftpack.co, npm for server-side swift
Go to the profile of Benjamin Baumann
Benjamin Baumann
curious coder at intive