Go to The Tasteful Toast
The Tasteful Toast
Whether it’s at a restaurant or made at home, we discuss the amazing things food can do. Started by Ossiana Tepfenhart.
Note from the editor

Whether it’s at a restaurant or made at home, we discuss the amazing things food can do. Started by Ossiana Tepfenhart.

Go to the profile of Ossiana Tepfenhart
Ossiana Tepfenhart
I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content
Go to the profile of Star Love Grey
Star Love Grey
I am the opened Pandora’s Box. Actress/Singer/Dancer, Writer, Poet. I’ll write any genre if it holds still long enough. Other boring stuff, but I’ll run out of
Go to the profile of Derek Reinhard
Derek Reinhard
Writes quirky life, productivity, and relationship stuff (uses the Oxford comma). Author of 3 books on GTD and a couple coloring books.
Go to the profile of Nikki
I enjoy writing about making money, nutritious foods, and self-improvement. Join me on my journey of writing and vibing on Medium.
Go to the profile of Joseph Peterson
Joseph Peterson
Curious by nature, writer by trade. Interested in society, pop culture, travel, food, family life, and writing. Twitter: @planetjoseph
Go to the profile of Brett CB
Brett CB
Former Pro Poker Player Now Going All-In On Writing About Dating, Travel, Office Life & More