Courgettes v marrows

Only a week ago, I planted several lots of seeds from the bumper pack I bought back in January: courgettes, marrows and onions. I hope I’m not too late to be starting now (like Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman).
 I am hugely impressed with the courgettes:

A quest for shelf-improvement

So far, buying the greenhouse has been a bit of an extravagance. As well as the greenhouse itself, there was the cost of building a concrete base, and paying someone to assemble it. 
But from now on it’s going to be re-use and recycle — in other words, a return to my usual…

Constructive decomposition: never buy fertiliser again

In line with my make-do-and-mend policy, I was hoping to make use of the compost heap I’ve been accumulating at the end of the garden over the past few years. Wouldn’t it be satisfactory if that could provide new plants in my…

The transparent shed
The transparent shed
What happens in my new greenhouse
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