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The UnderDog
A blog and bi-weekly newsletter that features Canadian technology news, insights, and wit.
Note from the editor

Hey there —my name is Sonia. I’m in the 2017 Cohort of The Next 36, an entrepreneurship program based in Toronto that develops Canadian talent. I enjoy writing, find the entire tech world pretty neat, and happen to be born and bred in the True North. Naturally, I decided to create a blog and newsletter that focuses on all of the above and puts its lens on Canada. I send out a bi-weekly newsletter every other Friday that you can subscribe to from the navigation if you’d like —  or you can just check in here and read it on your own time. It contains curated Canadian tech news and interesting stuff I’d like to share: it should take you around couple of minutes to read. I also write a blog post or two each week, sometimes it’s about Canada, sometimes it’s about tech in general — always it’s about my own opinion/insights. As I build this out, I’d love to make the UnderDog a destination for writing not just from me: but from other Canadian founders, professionals, and leaders at home and abroad. Please reach out to me at soniasidhu4@gmail.com if you’d like to contribute and let’s be pals! Cheers :)

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