Go to Art Collection 12
Art Collection 12
Cognitive la Physique
Note from the editor

We simply have no historical perspective when it comes to this new world that’s forming around us at breakneck speed — a new Cybersystem demanding only that we buy in to its power and convenience, and accept whatever ramifications that may come. That’s a big demand. Conversations are needed. A system geared to change the foundational dynamics of our world is going largely unregulated. This is reckless. There are few industry standards. Technology has evolved past the point where normal, everyday people like those in our governments can follow it, much less regulate it. “The old men in suits are out of their league when it comes to IT regulations.” Perspective is needed here. Considered deliberation needs as many voices as possible, voices of the people of the world, from as many ethnic and cultural domains as there are. For — until we become machines — our home base is analogue, to which we may always refer for advice from ourselves+

Go to the profile of Mac Daniels
Art Collection 12
Mac Daniels
artist / biochemist with a penchant for words. it took a long time to begin to see through my own eyes — to imagine a reason to try+