Vue Storefront 1.8 — the power of the VS community!

Filip Rakowski
The Vue Storefront Journal
6 min readFeb 8, 2019

The 1.8 milestone is truly showing the power and scale of the Vue Storefront community. Even though the core team is focused mostly on delivering the new default theme, our community members are extremely active: organizing hackathons, creating new modules, themes and contributing to the core! Looks like VS can be safely considered a truly community-driven project!

The Demo Theme Challenge — winners

A few months ago, we announced The Demo Theme Challenge and we are happy to announce the winner! Our partner Absolute Web Services not only made a stunning design but also implemented it as a live VS shop! Congrats!

Here you can find the full results of The Demo Theme Challenge and here is the Vuetique demo.

The Marketplace Challenge

The Vue Storefront community is getting bigger and bigger. We’ve decided that now is the perfect time to introduce Vue Storefront marketplace where community members can share their work and make money on it.

To launch our official Marketplace, we need to build the critical mass of the modules, themes, and integrations first, that is why we are inviting freelancers and companies to build:

  • Integrations — like WooCommerce, IBM Websphere, Hybris, Demandware, and Prestashop. Other third-party platforms are welcome;
  • Custom Vue Storefront Modules — especially for Payment providers — like our Braintree, Paypal integrations;
  • Custom Vue Storefront Themes.

Send us your work before 1st of March. The best authors will be promoted and officially showcased. Moreover, we have prepared some cool rewards. You can read about the contest and rewards here.

Improved External Checkout by Vendic

Our Core Partner has taken care of the External Checkout Module, porting it to the new VS architecture and extending the configuration capabilities. Check the official repository.

Vue Storefront hackathon #5 in Milan by BitBull

Last week our core partner BitBull organized the first Vue Storefront hackathon in Italy, and it’s safe to say that it was a huge success!

The grand opening by Andrea Chiarottino — CTO of Eataly. They provided us with an amazing venue and food.

Here you can read the event’s summary by Gennaro Vietri — CTO of BitBull.

Vue Storefront hackathon #6 in Amsterdam by Get_Noticed

Just two weeks after the hackathon in Milan, we are moving to Amsterdam.
Two days before one of the biggest (or just the biggest?) Vue.js conferences in the world our core partner Get_Noticed is hosting another Vue Storefront hackathon. This time it’s the first one ever in the Netherlands!

If you want to participate in person or remotely please sign up here.

Before the hackathon, there will be free training that’ll cover the Vue Storefront basics.

Tom Karwatka on #MM19IN

Last week, Divante CEO Tom Karwatka was speaking about Progressive Web Apps in eCommerce and Vue Storefront during Meet Magento India 2019. The amount of positive feedback at the conference and on social media was stunning, and it looks like we had no idea as to the extent of VS’s popularity in India!

The outcome is the first official Vue Storefront partner in India — Aureate Labs. Welcome to the community!

What else?

  • Upcoming Magento MSI integration
  • Payment Request API integration PoC
  • Adyen payment’s support by Melvin Hamilton Digital
  • The first usages of PWA/AMP combination in Vue Storefront

What’s new?


Changed / Improved

Learn more about Vue Storefront community and partners at



Filip Rakowski
The Vue Storefront Journal

Co-founder @ Vue Storefront / Frontend Developer @ Divante | Twitter @filrakowski