A Letter From My Future Self

Our future is written. We write our future.

Marco Borgato
6 min readMay 6, 2016


20/12/2013 — second last night in Madison (WI)

“Dear 2013 Marco, wasssup?

How was the concert of John Legend, how was that Friday night dinner in New York;)? I guess…you experienced the most beautiful days of your life ah;)? Glad you were able to spend those moments, full of bless, with the girl you’re in love with.

Well, surprisingly enough, Time machine is a big fucking deal now in 2016.

Sooo…iiiiifff fffor you it’s ok… If you don’t mind… I’m gonna tell you something about my past and my present (that actually is your upcoming future lol). Sounds good to you?”…

At that point I was like “should I go on? Maaaan, like, what the hell is happening here. For real though. Am I dreaming? Yo, maybe I’m still drunk. After all, the turn up was sooo real last night. I’m not even sure I wanna see my future right now”.

…“ During the next years — thanks to your relationship — you are going to discover what type of guy you are.

You’re the type of guy who is not afraid to listen to his heart.

Who is not afraid to act (you know, heart wants what it wants).

You’re an “actor” but you don’t play: You love for real.

You are the type of guy who is not afraid to achieve something in the name of Love.

Weeelll, I would say… self-empowerment is your biggest achievement.

But, heyyy, You’re more than this:

You are the type of guy who loves singing and writing his muse letters.

That’s also why I’m writing you this letter.

Hell yeah, in the next 30 months, You are going to write so many “love” letters and remix your favorite songs with your own lyrics and your own music videos.

I’m not sure if you’ve already started with it but… for a short period of time, You are even going to establish a special day of the week called “Music Friday”: You’re going to go by the silly name of “Chris Borg” (because you love Chris Brown) and You’re going to make the person you are in loved with listen to your songs and…maybe.. maybe I’m biased but… You are going to kill it mann;) It’s going to be dope.

You’re the type of of guy who turns a shoe rack upside down transforming it into a kotatsu for a home-made Japanese-style dinner lol ;)

Dear 2013 Marco, wasssup?

You are going to suffer a lot during the next years.

You are going to experience failures and critiques.

You are going to experience depression.

You are going to cry. A lot.


You are going to learn more about yourself and keeping it 100 is going to be your fortè.

You are the type of guy who, inspired by Love, is going to come up with an idea and pursue it at any cost.

Maaan, the start up You are going to do will be way way tougher than you could expected though.

Waiiitt wait wait. I’m not talking about “Famewall”, the idea you have been working on with you roommates for a couple of months now. Nope. Sorry.

Ehmm, soon (enough) You are going to build your own business called “FashTime” but not everything from Famewall is going to be completely lost and thrown away. Trust me man.

(By the way…chill braww, it’s May 2016 and I still see no sign of cashhh in my, well… in your, ummm in our (?) pocket. But heeeyy. No rush, No pressurrrre?!! I meaaaan, daaammmn…Vision is real. Mission is real. Purpose is real. Matter of fact, you know what? Don’t even talk to me about money, I’m all about creativity maaan)

You are going to grow. A lot.

They don’t wanna you to change. I changed. A lot. You can change too.

Ah, and yooo you’re the type of guy who is going to re-direct his dreams in other countries because, in the era of instant gratification, you are one of the few guys who keep believing in true Love.

You’re going to work in LA and Copenhagen for a few months LMFAO?!!

Maann, Copenhagen’s weather is rainy af but LA clubs are sooo lit though.

But it’s not going to be enough.

The girl you love so much? She’s going to break up with you, but don’t be sad. It’s not your fault. It’s not her fault. Don’t hate her because of what is going to happen. Remember: thanks to her you’re going to re-invent your life:)

Again, You’re going to accomplish every single godddammnn thing that I’ve just revealed to you, for her, for you, because of her, because of your true love, because you are not going to be afraid of dreaming, because you are going to change for the better for her.

You’re going to write even a short fucking book, can u believe it?

Keep going maaan, Keep Being Yourself, Keep growing, Keep changing.

There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind… You can change your hair…your clothing…your address…your spouse…your residence… but if you don’t change your mind… the same experience will perpetuate itself over and over again… because everything outside changed, but nothing inside you changed.

Most people go through life never discovering what their talents are. Most people never develop their talents.

The only thing that’s going to make you happy my friend in this year, or any other… is to step up, it’s to raise the standard, it’s to discover what you’re capable of and feel that incredible power of pushing through whatever is holding you back and get to the other side of more of your true self.

That’s what this game’s all about man.

Be your true self, be your true colors. Keep it 100 ;)

Your Future Self,


*Dear reader: If you’ve understood the moral of this story, I owe you a pizza (since I’m Italian) ;)

This story was published in Startime, the new way of perceiving startups and startuppers. Follow us 😎


About what you’ve just read: Notes from the Author — Marco Borgato:

The tricky part of riding an emotional roller coaster is that sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down. During a moment of weakness, I let negativity enter my life, once again.

Even in this case, I decided to make a step back, acknowledge the past, react, keep myself together and not let my new life purpose fade away.

This Time, I follow a different creative-writing approach: this is an imaginary letter I received by my future self, back in 2013, during the end of my exchange program in Madison-Wisconsin. The letter portraits myself and reports some of the facts I’m going to experience during the following 2/3 years (especially with respect to Love and Entrepreneurship).

I believe this piece helped me to understand whether I was still on the right track towards my dream. Moreover, it wants to show how our future is actually written. By us.

About the Author of this story: Marco Borgato (Borg, Borgy, Borglaire) is the co-founder of FashTime, owner/editor of ‘Startime’ and author of “The Way Of The Butterfly”. His life purpose is to add more colours and bring more light into people life and to be an inspiration for more life self-expression, -transparency, -awareness and -improvement. He believes in adding more to Life through design-&-tech-driven social-digital products and inspiring living breathing creative projects. For more about him, see here + all the other stories on the publication ‘Startime’. 😇🔥💯



Marco Borgato

Heart-centered Human Being who cares about the Future of Luv, Health & Expression and making an impact thru purposeful Creativity, Entrepreneurship & Innovation