
A living breathing publication project — How Startime works

Marco Borgato
7 min readFeb 23, 2017




It shows all the startups’ stories boxes published by startups + it links to 4 featured pages.

Home Views

Featured Pages

  • Introduction & startup’s origin
  • Inner experiences & heart journey
  • Startup’s overview & journey
  • Tips and lessons

Each featured page shows the related featured page’s story box + all the startuppers’ stories related to the featured page

(click here to know more about the logic of these pages)

Links to the featured pages from the Home + Example of a featured page


Startup’s story box

A Startup’s story box is very powerful: it’s the new living breathing way of letting someone else know about startuppers and their related startups. In one place. A Startup’s story box is managed by a startup itself.

Example of Startup’s Story Box accessible from the Home (external and internal view)

First of all, the ‘Latest Stories’ and ‘Table of Content’ sections are a more fractioned, indipendent and fast way of discovering and letting others discover content. These sections shows the stories’ links — redirecting to the actual stories), the related stories’ notes and authors’ info. (ps. the Table of Content may contain pieces that still are a work in progress).

Example of Preliminary Notes, Latest Stories, Table of Content
Example of a Table of Content with a story’s link (redirecting to the actual story) and a story’s note

Alternatively, all stories related to a startup are directly accessible — without links and one after another — from the Startup’s Story Box (at the end of the Table of Content). It’s a more seamless, organic and book-like way of discovering and letting others discover content.

Example of Story directly accessible from the Startup’s Story Box

Featured page’s story box

A Featured Page’s Story Box is very powerful: It contains all the stories — together with notes and authors’ info — related to a featured page (stories may have been published or re-posted). Stories are directly accessible — without links and one after another — from the Featured Page’s Story Box. It’s a more seamless, organic and book-like way of discovering and letting others discover content. A Featured Page’s Story Box is managed by Startime itself.

Example of Featured Page’s Story Box (external and internal view)
Example of Story directly accessible from the Featured Page’s Story Box

Startupper’s story

Story that is created and managed by a startupper.

Example of stories that are created and managed by a startupper (external and internal view)

Creating Content

Preliminary ‘one-time’ steps

1 . Profile Creation: Create it your personal profile — the ‘startupper’ profile (I’m sure many of you already have it: ) — and the profile of your own startup — the startup profile (if you don’t have it yet).

*Notes: Click here and here for an example.

2 . Request: Send the request to enter Startime at: Just put your personal ‘startupper’ profile name and the one of your related startup.

*Notes: It will be super quick. You’re going to become editor and writer of the publication.

3 . Approval + First Moves: Once accepted, start by creating your ‘startup’s stories box’. It will appear on the home page of this publication and it will contain all your stories.

  • Use your Startup Profile and select ‘ New story’.
  • Write the title: insert the name of your startup and something that represents your writing-video-visual project.
  • Write the following subtitle: “A living-breathing writing-video-visual project to discover #nameofyourstartup
  • Put an image. Make it attractive :)
  • Publish it on Startime with the compulsory tag #nameofyourstartup (any other # is up to you).

*Notes: your ‘startup’s stories box’ is always editable :) click here for an example.

Recurring steps (now you can forget the previous part 😇!!)

4 . Create content as a startupper:

  • Use your Startupper profile !!!
  • Create your story: words, videos, images (basically, whatever you want: don’t be boring, be creative, be transparent, be real)
  • Publish your story on Startime with the compulsory tag #introduction — if it’s related to the featured page ‘introduction and startup’s origin — #inner journey — if it’s related to the featured page ‘inner experiences and heart journeys — #startups — if it’s related to the featured page ‘startup’s overview and journey’ — #life lessons — if it’s related to the featured page ‘tips and lessons’ — (any other # is up to you).

*Notes: Your story will appear on related featured pages of Startime and it will be added by me in the related ‘featured page’s stories box’ :) click here for an example.

5 . Create content as a startup: put content in your ‘startup’s stories box’ :

  • Use either your Startup or Startupper profile (you are an editor) !!!
  • Copy the link of your story (just published).
  • Open your ‘startup’s stories box’ and click edit.
  • Put the title.
  • Paste the link of your story.
  • You can also write down some notes related to your story.
  • Copy and past the entire story

*Notes: Don’t want to necessarily publish your story on Startime? or would you like to post your story either on Startime and some other publication, at the same time? Here a trick you can use in order to boost your content :)

  • Publish your story on another publication you have access to.
  • Copy the link and paste it on your ‘startup’s stories box’.

I will then repost it on Startime and add it on the related ‘featured page’s stories box’ 🔥

Seeing Content

People and fellow startuppers can go through your content in 2 ways:

  • From the home: everyone can open your ‘startup’s stories box’ and see your stories in chronological order.
  • From the featured pages, where your stories are shown together with other stories posted by fellow startuppers.

Everyone can see stories on Startime. It all depends on the willingness of the consumers of information to get to know and understand, get inspired and fascinated by… us, through our stories. Repetitively.

So actually, depends on us. On our willingness to create inspiring valuable content that can catch the attention of people (and fellow startuppers).

Creating stories on Startime is reserved only to whoever has a startup/is a startupper.

Startup’s stories boxes — visible on the home — need be related to active startups: they can be ’super’ early-stage or early-stage ventures, ventures on the ‘ready-to-grow’ mode, ventures that are on their early-growth phase, ventures that are growing, etc…No distinctions and age requirements (see link below):

However, Startuppers who create the actual content — visible in the multiple featured sections of Startime — can belong not only to an active startup (#1) but even to a startup that failed in the past (#2).

[In the #1 case, a startupper’s story will also be contained in the related Startup’s story box — visible on the home. In the #2 case, it will only appear on the featured pages of Startime]

Once you are a startupper, you are a startupper for life:)

About the Author of this publication: Marco Borgato (Borg, Borgy, Borglaire) is the co-founder of FashTime, owner/editor of ‘Startime’ and author of “The Way Of The Butterfly”. His life purpose is to add more colours and bring more light into people life and to be an inspiration for more life self-expression, -transparency, -awareness and -improvement. He believes in adding more to Life through design-&-tech-driven social-digital products and inspiring living breathing creative projects. For more about him, see here + all the other stories on the publication ‘Startime’. 😇🔥💯



Marco Borgato

Heart-centered Human Being who cares about the Future of Luv, Health & Expression and making an impact thru purposeful Creativity, Entrepreneurship & Innovation