It’s not always the right time to shine.

Kathryn Sheridan
The World Expects
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2018

When I received the Top Conscious Business Leader award for my Personal Journey, I immediately told my friends and family. I was proud and happy. But I wasn’t ready to write about it or make an official announcement.

I wasn’t sure why I was holding back over the summer but I knew I wasn’t ready. If I’ve learned anything, it’s to listen to myself. So I trusted that feeling until I could figure out what was going on.

Now I know what was stopping me.

My personal journey is by definition personal. It’s private. I was being acknowledged publicly for something very private.

I’m back but I’m still processing my sabbatical and everything I’ve experienced. I’ve started posting about it recently because writing helps me make sense of things. I am open with the people around me and anyone who asks me to share. But it will take time to really process a very personal and at times painful journey.

The award felt so good on a personal level. I was being acknowledged for being bold and stepping out when I needed it then coming back with fresh vision and energy. The judges’ comments were so touching.

“It takes a lot of courage to step away from your business and trust your team to take care of the organization while you’re on sabbatical. Most leaders burn out before they self-eject.” — Rand Stagen

“I love that she stopped and really dove deep, then came back up with a newly and internally informed approach. Such a good role model.” — Kondo Mason

Thank you, judges. I’m in awe.

Another big part of my hesitation was that my sabbatical, while so healing for me, was difficult at times for my team. They stepped up while I was gone but there were some abandonment and communications issues to work through when I came back.

Happily, their resilience is higher than most and we are recovering well. Also the new business pipeline all but dried up when I was away. So yes, the sabbatical was incredible but my return to work has been a bit of a bumpy ride so far.

Now I’ve got my head round it, I recognise that this is all part of the entrepreneur’s journey which is essentially what the award is highlighting. So it is with great pleasure that I share with you the news of my Top Conscious Business Leaders Award.

Building responsible companies does make a difference, no matter how small. I wouldn’t change my personal journey for the world.

Media and speaking requests:

Many thanks to Conscious Company Media for this beautiful award



Kathryn Sheridan
The World Expects

Trauma-informed coach and Ecotherapist with a sustainability background. Curator at PEOPLE PLANET PLACE.