Go to The Writer Shed
The Writer Shed
Musings on the creative life from inside and out.
Note from the editor

Hello. I am a writer and journalist who works out of his writing shed built on his property outside Chicago. The goal is to muse on the artistic life from inside and out, and to help inspire and support the creative life.

Go to the profile of David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
Award-winning writer of memoir and fiction. Creator of Medium publication: THE WRITER SHED and author of THE ABUNDANCE on Substack..
Go to the profile of David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
Award-winning writer of memoir and fiction. Creator of Medium publication: THE WRITER SHED and author of THE ABUNDANCE on Substack..
Go to the profile of Christa Wojciechowski
Christa Wojciechowski
An American living in Panama, writing from the foot of a volcano. Creator of The Writers’ Mastermind. Author of Oblivion Black https://christawojo.com
Go to the profile of Pam Golden
Pam Golden
Writer who loves life and lives it outside the box
Go to the profile of Anthony David Vernon
Anthony David Vernon
*insert bio that lists things I have done but not in a way that is too stiff because I want to come off cool*
Go to the profile of Annette Jane Gagliardi
Go to the profile of Meryl Baer
Meryl Baer
The shore is home. Folks visit in summer, but no one stops by in winter, so I write.