Go to The Boarding School
The Boarding School
Created by and for young people, The Boarding School is a 501c(3) nonprofit dedicated to recruiting and training young people to serve on boards of organizations that affect their lives.
Note from the editor

The Boarding School, Inc. is a non-profit organization with the mission of recruiting and training young people to serve on boards of organizations that directly impact their lives. We run educational programs to equip potential young board members with the skills necessary to serve effectively and be sustainable financial stewards, and then we provide support in order to help place them on boards of organizations they are affiliated with. Our first two projects, Harvard Forward and Yale Forward, have garnered national attention, and we hope to expand this model of promoting good and inclusive governance to more institutions of higher education and beyond academia.

Go to the profile of The Boarding School
The Boarding School
Educating a new generation of board members.
Go to the profile of Emily Hsu
Emily Hsu
Emily is a first-year student at Stanford University and she is part of the team developing The Boarding School's educational programs.
Go to the profile of Jasmine Rivers
Go to the profile of Julia Huesa