Top Stories published by in October of 2011

AOP with F# — Memoization using higher-order functions

I touched on the topic of memoization in the past in relation to doing aspect-oriented programming with PostSharp, however, with functional languages like F#, Haskell or Erlang there is no such frameworks (although PostSharp should…

F# — Enums vs Discriminated Unions

In my previous post on discriminated unions, I presented discriminated unions as an alternative to standard .Net classes to represent hierarchical data structures. However, in terms of data structure, discriminated unions share much more similarities with enums than…

F# Performance Test — Structs vs Records

In F#, you have the choice of using a struct or a record as a lightweight container for data. The similarities between the two are striking — both are immutable by default, neither can be inherited, and they both offer structural equality semantics by default…