Top Stories published by in July of 2015

Beware of implicit boxing of value types

In the last post, we looked at some inefficiencies with reference types in .Net and perhaps oversold value types a little

In any case, now that we’ve made the initial sale and you’re back for more, let’s talk about some pitfalls wrt…

APL — solving Euler problem 1

Note: see the rest of the series so far.

Surprisingly, my last post on APL did well on HackerNews, turns out there is genuine interest in APL out there, which is great to see

APL — solving Fizz Buzz

Note: see the rest of the series so far.

This is a classic interview question, and after some experimentation I ended up with the following solution in APL:

$latex F \ \iota 100$

Polyconf Experience Report

This year’s PolyConf is over and although it was my first time at this conference and I didn’t know too many people going in I had such a great time and learnt so much I’ll definitely be back in the near future.