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Reactive Programming

the personal blog for Yan Cui
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Elm and Myo playing together

I haven’t been able to stop playing around with my Myo armband since I got my hands on it this week. In truth it’s ruined a few of my plans for the weekend, but boy it’s been fun trying to get the Myo working with various apps and games.

Elm — functional reactive dreams + missile command

I saw this tweet on my timeline the other day..

which reminded me again to look at Elm and I’ve spend the last week or so getting myself immersed with this wonderful little language built around the idea of…

Contrasting F# and Elm’s record types

Having spent some time this week with Elm I have seen plenty of things to make me like it, a more in-depth review of my experience with Elm so far is in the works but for now I want to talk about Elm’s record type and how it compares with F# record type which us…