How to Unfold The Treasure Map Hidden in Our Life Purpose

Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2023

People think of the pursuit of excellence as repetition, i.e. the more we do something, the better we get at it. If that were true, mediocrity would get 1st place. Let me be bold.

The pursuit of excellence is sailing through the unchartered waters of what we do not know.

Here’s what I mean by that.

Let me tell you about little Jimmy.

“I want to be an astronaut,” said little Jimmy to his mother. “Why?” she replied. With a big grin on his friendly face, he said, “Because I want to smile at the whole world so the sad people feel happy.”

Little Jimmy knew that he wanted to be an astronaut and why.

But you and I know it takes more than knowing what we want and why.

We still need to take action.

Like little Jimmy, we must all unfold the treasure map to know the steps we need to take to make our dreams a reality.

So let me ask you.

What’s your dream?

It may surprise you to discover this: You got your dreams for a reason.

If you can dream something, it is because you already have within you what it takes to make it happen.

Here is an analogy to help you understand what I mean. Your dream has a resonance (musical note.) You can hear that note because your instrument (your soul) can pick it up. You can choose to play your dream’s tune, or you can choose to ignore it. It is up to you. But know that you already have what it takes, even if you say you do not.

Your dreams, aspiration, and inspiration are yours.

Why hasn’t your dream happened yet?

Little Jimmy knows why he has not yet realized his dream. He is a kid who needs to learn a lot of things before he can be an astronaut. And he is okay with that learning, however long it takes. Because his heart is committed to fulfilling his dream, his mind is wide open.

Do you feel safe having a dream?

In a previous article on how to safely sail through a life of purpose, I say that many people struggle to live their dream because they keep affirming old beliefs that are neither true nor helpful. They can’t bring themselves to sail past their old belief system. (I offer a solution to that problem. Book a chat now.)

Let’s get back to that question.

What hasn’t your dream happened yet? Write down your answer. Now let me ask you.

Did the question “Why hasn’t your dream happened yet?” make you uncomfortable? Do you feel safe answering that question? Or Did your mind throw up some old belief system to cling to limitations that are no longer true?

In an article on the danger of comfort, I discuss how old beliefs can keep us small in a comfort zone. You might want to check it out.

In the pursuit of excellence

Little Jimmy intuitively knows there is a path to becoming an astronaut. That path is his treasure map. It is there for him to find and explore.

He is okay with all the growing and learning he needs to do. His heart is committed to living his dream. His mind is wide open.

With that in mind,

Here is how to unfold the treasure map hidden in your life purpose:

What is your dream?

Who will suffer if you ignore that dream?

What beliefs do you need to say goodbye to that will cut the chain around your ankles and allow you to take the bold steps to live your dream?

Who will help you unfold the map so you follow the path of your dream?

Who will hold you accountable — not letting you make excuses — for making your dream come true and having the impact your soul yearns for?


Your dreams are yours for a reason.

Anne Beaulieu, inspiring the next generation of emotionally intelligent, strategic women through

  • An emotionally intelligent strategic plan (EISP) that meets your needs
  • Strategic emotional intelligence with critical thinking
  • Financial emotional intelligence that confronts and solves the problem
  • Emotional debt relief
  • Financial EQ Implementation of your EISP
  • Financial EQ coaching for corporate and private clients
  • Redirecting your emotional undercurrent toward building a sustainable legacy
  • Holding you fiercely accountable by being the emotional rudder you and your business need



Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader

Emotional Tech© Engineer | Emotional Intelligence, Strategic Planning, AI Integration, Mega-Prompting & Knowledge Base Building Services