Data Requirements for you ML Product

Our latest post by Clemens Mewald (Product Lead on ML X and Tensor Flow X at Google) covers data requirements for ML product management. Let us know what you think!

Setting up Data Annotation Infrastructure

This week’s lever post is by Benji Meltzer of Aerobotics and covers some tactical advice about setting up data annotation infrastructure and team, specifically for those who have image datasets.

Let us know what you think!

Modular Machine Learning

Lever community,

We’re excited to present the most recent piece on the benefits of modular machine learning and data pipelines, authored by Benjamin Vandendriessche of Byteflies.

Let us know what you think!

Versioning in Machine Learning

Check out our new post by Andre Targino from Portal Telemedicina about why versioning is important in ML systems.

Let us know what you think!

The Launchpad
The Launchpad
The Launchpad is a resource for applied-Machine Learning (ML) best practices from the trenches. Our goal is to help AI-first companies innovate & thrive, sharing knowledge & insights from our community:startups, mentors & Googlers
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