The Law Of Life: The Relation

Sam Chahine
Published in
13 min readApr 17, 2020

How can you recognise your self in others?

The relationship between all things comes to light when the self recognises the self, in the midst of others. However, the belief in the concept of a self cannot exist without the belief in the concept of an “other”. What the self is recognising is the presence of its own complexity, among the complexity of others. At times, it may seem that individual paths are unique, rather than intertwined. Should you ever reach the destination that concludes your journey of self discovery, you will realise that you have not only found your self, but that you have found everyone. When you remember what can not be remembered, you remember that everyone has only ever been remembering!

The Complexity has been introduced with properties that resemble the likeliness of a blueprint — from which everything becomes. In this section, The Complexity will be further explored, as well as its abundance magnified and its paradoxical nature explained. Though there can only be one Complexity from which everything becomes, along the way, The Complexity branches out into different versions of the same abstraction. The purpose of this analysis is to first allow for the awareness of The Complexity in all things, before its dual nature is broken down and recognised for what it truly is — unity.

Although The Complexity has been established as the very initiate occurrence from which all things occur, it has also been used to express the visualisation of the abstractions in regards to a single event or experience. An analogy to help convey this understanding is as follows: Imagine a line of 100 dominoes. The first piece is the initiate occurrence from which all dominoes will fall, and for the purpose of this example will be referred to as the Original piece . If we split up all the pieces into groups of 10, we will have 10 groups of dominoes. The first piece of every group will be the initiate occurrence of that specific group, but only because the Original piece initiated the chain of dominoes falling. Although each group has its own initiate occurrence — first piece from which the consequent 9 pieces will fall — the only purpose for any dominoes falling is the Original piece that fell.

The Complexity from which all things become is expressed by the Original piece, and The Complexity of each individual, event, idea or concept is represented by the first piece in each group. All things an individual does, all lessons experiences exhibit, and all the decisions made are represented by the 9 consequent pieces falling because of the first piece of every group. However, the first piece of every group can only fall because of the Original piece that fell in the first place — The Complexity.

The focus of this subsection is the magnification of The Complexity in each individual, event, experience, place or occurrence regardless of significance. Albeit, it is crucial that you understand the dual expression of The Complexity as demonstrated in the example above. It is not necessarily The Complexity from which all things become that we are about to explore, but rather the abstraction of A Complexity from which events are able to unfold. The following is the diagram we have previously used to visualise The Complexity of a specific occurrence.

As each individual possesses a corresponding Complexity from which they have become, it follows that the initiate occurrence from which all things become can be dissected into groups of reverberated complexities. Like the groups of dominoes in the example above, each reverberated Complexity is a mystical blueprint to which the development of a focus belongs. It may be simple to recognise one’s own abstracted Complexity from which they have grown, though the possibility that an individual’s Complexity has not entwined with another’s is unlikely.

Similarly to a single individual’s Complexity, The Complexity of two individuals is an interlaced abstraction that yields a new and respective set of reverberations. Though the unique characteristics of both individuals remain as the foundations of their shared Complexity, the abstraction formed becomes a standalone Archetype through which reverberations permeate. To appropriate and re-establish the 100 Domino example above: when two individuals come together to make a pair — whereby The Complexity formed becomes a pattern of its own — it is the same as assembling groups of 20 domino pieces, instead of 10.

In the first instance of the example, there were 10 groups of 10 dominoes. If the first 5 groups from the initial 10 concatenate with the group of 10 that follows, 5 groups of 20 remain. When an individual’s Complexity is intertwined with another’s — in other words, when two paths cross — a new Complexity is formed. Each individual’s Complexity remains, though a new one is born. The Relation is A Complexity formulated from the base characterisation each individual — or member of a collection — possesses.

In the conception of a Relation, the members of the collection — to which The Complexities conjoined belong — continue to exist in perfect alignment with their own Complexity. However, due to the algorithmic nature of The Complexity, each journey’s alignment follows the same path, all the while intersecting with each collateral Complexity in the process. The following is a visualisation of The Relation of two instances of The Complexity:

In the diagram above, The Relation visualised is the resulting abstraction when two Complexities intertwine. So as to not further confuse the reader, the first example of The Relation is only comprised of two Complexities until a greater understanding of the interception is reached.

For the purposes of this demonstration, each square will be referred to as a single Reverberation of The Complexity. The initial Reverberationthe square labelled “The Complexity” — from which all other instances of The Complexity reverberate along an infinite Fibonacci spiral, is the intercepting point of all complexities. In The Relation above, both complexities have one identical reverberation, while the rest are either partially interconnected or completely separate.

The following is an analogy to help communicate the esoteric comprehension one must equip in The Search for The Relation. Take for example a Pilot and a Passenger. The Pilot has been working for 2 years, whereas the Passenger has been travelling for 10. Although the Passenger has flown commercially more than the Pilot, the Pilot’s importance in regards to air travel is much higher, as the plane can do with one less passenger, but can suffer in the event where a required Pilot is unavailable. The visualisation of the Pilot & Passenger example is as follows:

The initial Reverberation of each Complexity is identical, as both the Pilot and the Passenger are inside the plane during flight. The importance level of each is also allocated to a square, whose size represents the value and efficiency provided by each the corresponding individual. The Pilot has flown — and essentially boarded — 400 flights, whereas the Passenger has only boarded 100. In terms of the number of tickets purchased, the Passenger has 100 while the Pilot has 0, which is paradoxically represented by the lack of representation.

So far, each individual’s Complexity has been displayed independently. The following is The Relation of the Pilot and the Passenger’s Complexities:

Similarly to the relative scale with which the reverberations comply, both the squares of each Complexity and the corresponding correlations within each story are visually reproduced. The first example can be seen in the squares displaying each individual’s “Importance Level”; the greater the importance level, the greater the surface area of the square. Not only is the significance of each individual’s responsibilities in proportion to the importance of their position, but so is the visual abstraction that expresses their Relation.

It is important to note: it is no coincidence these patterns line up in a way that allows for the perfect expression of the very concept and idea being put forward, this was done on purpose. The story is a fabrication and only an example of the abstractions and relations individuals are encouraged to find, within all aspects of the Observation. Of course, due to the inevitably repetitive and reverberating nature of The Complexity, it will forever permeate different patterns and Relations inwards and outwards, regardless of whether or not the story is real or fabricated.

To clarify, the continuous use of the Fibonacci Sequence in the explanations of The Complexity and all its properties — so far including The Archetype, The Repetition, The Reverberation, The Search and The Relation — is more of a personal preference than anything else, due to my proficiency in the patterns therein. In the same way that each group of dominoes falls because of the Original domino that fell, the Fibonacci Sequence is only one explanatory medium — represented by one group of dominoes — through which the properties and characteristics of The Complexity become apparent. The Fibonacci Sequence is only one out of many ways of expression in regards to the communication of an understanding. Although there may be an infinite number of mediums to explore, the focus of The Complexity in this text is heavily supported by The Fibonacci Sequence… through which infinite sequences will inevitably — and paradoxically — unveil.

In the first example regarding the “Importance Level” of each individual, a comparison was made to correspond the surface area of a square and its respective contents in exact proportion. The proposition was made that there exists a correlation between the size of the square and the significance of the contents therein. This is not necessarily a rule by which all reverberations abide, but rather an inevitable outcome due the nature of The Complexity. Should a different concept — that is, other than The Fibonacci Sequence — be used in the attempts to visualise and demonstrate certain abstractions, the following rule — which will be further explored in the coming sections — would accordingly come to fruition:

Correspondence Law: “The inevitable correspondence between the properties and characteristics of the medium through which an understanding is conveyed, and said understanding.”

The medium through which understandings are conveyed is insignificant, though the result will yield relations in all points of direction. This is the underlying principle presented by The Complexity and the multi-dimensional abstractions it inevitably produces.

The second example is the number of flights boarded per individual. In the same way that the first example is expressed with the abstraction of two squares, where one has a larger surface area than the other — respective to the significance of each reverberation — it follows that the higher the number of flights, the greater the surface area of the square. Although the significance of the squares and their surface area in correspondence with the contents of the story is irrelevant, it is the awareness of the patterns we are searching for, not the meaning therein.

To emphasise the perpetuating nature of The Relation, the Pilot and the Passenger’s “Importance Level” Reverberation will be explored and visualised.

The diagram above is a representation of the “Importance Level” Complexity. Each consequent reverberation represents a greater importance level, essentially making — in the context of the Pilot and the Passenger example — the abstraction of this Complexity:

A1 : The Abstraction of an Interconnecting Reverberation.

After establishing the abstraction of The Complexity visualised above, it becomes easier to find other instances of abstraction A1. The following is the visualisation of the “Number of Flights Boarded” Complexity:

The Complexity allows for infinite discovery, and these examples using the Fibonacci Sequence are only some of many possible permutations. It might be true that the context of the example — the Pilot and the Passenger — may be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, though it is important to reiterate the paradoxical insignificance of significance, after accepting that all things that happen simply happen.

Should an individual prioritise certain aspects of life due to the significance of the meaning they supposedly provide, the pursuit in the acceptance of all things being as they are becomes less viable. It is the acceptance of all things having exactly the same significance, regardless of any substantial meaning or implications on the self. An individual must look to see above what is seen, and try to hear what cannot be heard.

Unfortunately, unless an individual is able to let go of the physical self before attempting to find the One who is aware of the physical self, The Complexity will not allow for the ultimate realisation since you have not shown it that you are ready to remember.

It is you, the One who has decided to search for the Truth that must allow for The Complexity to know that you are ready, before it allows you to remember. As all things are expressions of The Complexity, you must act as the expression of the One who knows all that you can know in the pursuit of Awakening, understanding that there is nothing left to understand and remembering that there is nothing left to remembering. It is only then that you can truly let go of the search, and allow The Complexity to find you instead.

The exploration of realising expressions will be further explored in the coming section, but it is important to start becoming aware of each expression — i.e Archetype, Reverberation, Complexity, Repetition, Relation etc. — in the pursuit of becoming aware of the Expression of One. Understand that each reverberation that is found is just another expression of the same instance, wherein all instances come from the same Complexity. Also understand that all Complexities come from The Complexity, Awakening, God, One etc.

Returning the focus back to the Pilot and the Passenger example, after abstracting the abstractions discovered within the Relation of each individual’s complexities, the infinite patterns and relationships therein come to light. The last two diagrams respect the abstraction A1, and since each instance of A1 is the same, it follows that each instance is another reverberation of abstraction A1. The following is a visual representation of the Complexity of A1:

Although it is ridiculous to go as far as abstracting abstractions of abstractions, that is the level of ridiculousness One must employ on the pursuit in the discovery of the Self. These examples have absolutely no meaning, and are only being used to demonstrate the level of abstractions you must be able to find on your own. The reason for this is the infinite nature of abstractions. Regardless of how deep a concept is abstracted, one will always be able to find deeper abstractions.

The aim of this technique is to allow you the ability of abstracting the belief in the concept of yourself, infinitely, until there is nothing left to abstract — that is, the concept of “nothingness” is the only thing left to abstract. The process of abstracting will help you find relations between the self and others, as well as help you find unity in the midst of an illusive duality. It is affords you the understanding that regardless of how different two concepts may be, there is always an abstraction that couples them together, unifying their dual nature.

You must reach a point in which the self and everything that is not the self, has been abstracted into One. The examples being used may seem insignificant, but it is the process by which their concepts and ideas are being abstracted that you must employ in your everyday awareness. All that you observe must be abstracted, all that is dual must be unified. You must find a balance that conjoins all that is the self with all that is not. You must understand that there can not be two of anything, but rather One abstraction to which two instances may belong.

For the purposes of intelligibility, Figure 17 will be the final diagram visualising abstractions extracted from the Pilot and the Passenger example. The reason behind the repetitive process of abstracting concepts and ideas from stories and their characters is to demonstrate the very process you must use in the interrogation of the self. When interrogating the self, do not take for granted your physical surroundings, for they are as well a part of the self you are trying to find. The only separation that exists between the self and the physical and metaphysical world is the belief that they do not yet belong to the same abstraction. It is you who must find the very abstraction — The Complexity — that allows the self and the physical and metaphysical world to exist under One understanding.

The examples of The Relation you are encouraged to find should not necessarily be difficult to become aware of. The majority of the time, You — the awareness of a physical being — are only aware of repetitive abstractions. Some of these abstractions may be : desire, reflection, forethought, searching, and finding. These abstractions will be referred to as The Simple Abstractions.

In the 100 Dominoes example, each group of 10 pieces had its own initial piece — its own Complexity from which the following 9 pieces would fall — but only after the Original piece had fallen. Imagine that each Simple Abstraction was one group of 10 dominoes, whereas The Original Piece represents The Complexity. You must first abstract your experience of being awareness into a collection that forms your own Simple Abstractions, before you are able extract yourself from the story.

The Complexity — from which all things become — will be represented by the symbol C∞ in all future visualisations. Since The Simple Abstractions fall under the principal abstraction of Awareness, the visualisation is as follows:

The example above attempts to visualise the reverberating pattern of the Simple Abstractions individuals are aware of on the daily. If each reverberationsimple abstraction — has its own Complexity — from which infinite instances reverberate — it follows that there exists an infinite Complexity within each reverberation of every Complexity.



Sam Chahine

Hi! My name is Sam Chahine & I'm the founder of Hero (, I also wrote a book called "The Philosopher from Carnival Island", I love fun stuff.