Go to The Millennial Hodl
The Millennial Hodl
News , happenings and unconventional opinions in the cryptocurrency space.
Note from the editor

The Millennial Hodl is a Malaysian based space for eccentric blockchain enthusiasts, excited about how this technology can change the world, in the same way email revolutionized the Internet. Originating from the intentional misspelling of the word “ hold “ as an investment strategy , we talk about everything from the latest Bitcoin dumps to the most innovative uses of blockchain. Got a tasty opinion you’d like the world to hear about ? Contact our chief editor at nicholaschn@protonmail.com

Go to the profile of Nicholas Chin
Nicholas Chin
Free spirited. Intersection of technology and music.
Go to the profile of Aaron Lee
Aaron Lee
Lifelong technologist , in search of the perfect cuppa.
Go to the profile of Timothy Chin
Timothy Chin
Aspiring, young Defi ape looking to expand my knowledge on the crypto world.