The Monero Moon (Issue 26)

John Foss
The Monero Moon
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2022

The Monero Moon is a curated weekly newsletter regarding all things Monero.

January 6th 2022

Development, Releases, and Technology

There has been a proposal by UkoeHB to eliminate Monero’s 10-block-lock which prevents users from spending outputs until they are 10 blocks old. Read all about the proposal and the relevant discussion from Monero developers here.

mj provided a dev report for the month of December. mj focused on Continuous Integration (CI) work, and clean up work isolating remaining bugs. The report summary can be read here. Additionally, mj’s Compilation time reduction proposal is stuck, and is suggesting that CCS donors receive their funds back instead of the funds going to the General Fund. Read more about it here.

Monerujo v2.3.1 “Doménikos” has been released as BETA. This release adds support for Seed Offsets aka Seed encryption. More information can be found here. Andrés also wrote an article explaining how the recently introduced offset passphrases work in Monerujo. Read it here.

Febos provided a graph showing the growth in Monero transactions over six years. You can see the average number of transactions has grown to over 26,000 in Q4 2021.

In addition to the growth in transactions, Monero’s hashrate is flirting around it’s all time high around 3.2 Ghash/s.

REMSee shared a video demonstrating how to make a BTC/XMR atomic swap. Watch the video below.

BTC/XMR Atomic Swap tutorial

garrylachman provided an update on XMRig for Android. If you want to mine Monero on an android device then get involved. More information can be found here.

General News

Monero and Cake Wallet will be at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami on January 17–19. More information can be found here.

Gateio published an entertaining YouTube video examining why Monero is the best cryptocurrency. Watch it below.

Gateio Monero video

Astendann shared a short explainer video going over some Monero Misconceptions. Watch it here.

Monero [XMR] Misconceptions & Privacy Analysis (2022)

Looking for Monero infographics in different languages? Check out the infographics in languages such as Cantonese or Romanian here. Additionally, if you can help with translations please check out this post.

Coin Bureau published a YouTube video discussing how blockchain analytic companies track cryptocurrency users. Note, Monero is the only cryptocurrency that is untraceable.

They’re TRACKING YOU!! Blockchain Analytics Firms!! 👀

Monero Talk recently interviewed Nikolai Binner, a German Standup Comedian & freespeech advocate. Watch the latest episode here.

Monero Talk — Nikolai Binner on the need for Monero

Revuo Monero is back with Issue 101. Check any Monero news you missed here.

Exchanges and Merchants

Monero is being spent by Coincard users, with 1/8 users spending with XMR.

XMR and CoinCards

Community Crowdfunding System

Several crowdfunding proposals are awaiting community feedback before they can start accepting funds through the Community Crowdfunding System (CCS). For now they are just proposals, but if they receive some positive feedback from the community they will be moved to a “Funding Required” stage so that they can accept Monero donations through the CCS.

Trading & Speculation

Mr. Kwibs is predicting 2022 to be a great year for Monero and for privacy coins to become a trend.


Total Monero in Circulation — 18,058,313 XMR

Monero Total Marketcap — $3,632,745,915

XMR/USD Price — $201 USD

XMR/USD 4hr chart on Kraken

XMR/BTC Price — 0.00467 BTC

XMR/BTC 4hr chart on Binance Street Price — $205 USD

Average Transaction Fee — 0.00015 XMR ($0.029)

Hashrate — 3.222 Ghash/s

Monero Mining Pools Hashrate Distribution



If you like the newsletter and want more of this content, then shout me a round of beers by donating some spare Monero you didn’t lose during your boating accident.


Scan the QR Code to donate XMR to The Monero Moon

Support Monero

Want to help contribute to the Monero Project? Developers, marketers, event coordinators, translators, Instagram personalities, meme creators, public speakers — whatever your skills may be, it is extremely likely there is something you can do to assist. I urge you to reach out to the Monero community on Reddit, IRC, GitHub, Twitter, or Telegram.

Past Issues

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If you have any suggestions, corrections, or feedback, please contact me on Twitter @johnfoss69 or on Reddit u/johnfoss68.



DISCLAIMER: This publication contains opinion for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Information may contain errors and omissions. Use solely at your own risk. The author of this publication and/or the authors of articles linked to from this site may have financial investments that may bias their opinions, including ownership of Monero currency. Always do your own research, form your own opinions, and never take risks with money or trust third parties with out verifying their credibility.

