Archive of stories published by TheOtherLeft
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Or we may all die

A very interesting set of problems. Although I did not read every one of the responses on Son of Baldwin’s article my sense was predominant support but with recognition of the moral repugnance of the position. The underlying problem is that we have no functional morality that can deal with the…

The Relentless Bias Against Donald Trump
Dave Pell

Dave Pell is doing a job that I respect more with each piece. We each are dealing with this from our own perspective but there is a baseline that is beginning to cascade. That baseline is neither right nor left. Trump, Pence, and lackeys that have clustered around them are evil. That evil is shown by sheer incompetence, emotional immaturity, and the…

These were the top 10 stories published by TheOtherLeft; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, and 2018.