Top Stories published by therobinkim in 2014

Create Awesome Maps with D3.js

Note: This was originally posted on my blog at Any updates will appear there and not here.

The visualization I refer to throughout this blog post is here. Click on “Open in a new window”

Prefix Tree

Note: This was originally posted on my blog at Any updates will appear there and not here.

By reading this post, you will be able to answer the following questions:

  • What is a prefix tree? (Tree that groups together…

Great Habits for Public Speaking

Note: This was originally posted on my blog at Any updates will appear there and not here.

Here are a few simple tips you can focus on to dramatically improve your public speaking…


Note: This was originally posted on my blog at Any updates will appear there and not here.

You will learn:

  1. A variable declaration is hoisted.
  2. A variable initialization is not hoisted.

Contribute to Open Source Projects

Note: This was originally posted on my blog at Any updates will appear there and not here.

Have a solution to a problem that nobody’s solved before? Write your own app! Somebody…