Go to The Suite
The Suite
AI-powered video collaboration tool to help your team stay productive through time. Visit us at thesuite.pw, become part of our community on Medium & share your ideas on remote team productivity.
Note from the editor

The Suite is on a mission to help virtual teams stay productive using human-centric AI analytics and emotion recognition during video calls. We welcome content contribution on this page — feel encouraged to share your thoughts on topics varying from teamwork to affective computing here. Check out the Suite demo at thesuite.pw and reach us at hello@thesuite.pw.

Go to the profile of Francesca Del Giudice
Francesca Del Giudice
Spending days and nights marvelling at the beauty of the Universe. I do customer development, research, and other witchcraft for startups & tech companies.
Go to the profile of Artificial Chilligence
Artificial Chilligence
Ride for hi-tech at all cost
Go to the profile of Francesca Del Giudice
Francesca Del Giudice
Spending days and nights marvelling at the beauty of the Universe. I do customer development, research, and other witchcraft for startups & tech companies.
Go to the profile of Artificial Chilligence
Artificial Chilligence
Ride for hi-tech at all cost
Go to the profile of Joe Staton
Joe Staton
Joe Staton is a British actor and writer based in London, Spain and New York City. He is a graduate of the Stella Adler Studio of Acting in New York.
Go to the profile of Joe Staton
Joe Staton
Joe Staton is a British actor and writer based in London, Spain and New York City. He is a recent graduate of the Stella Adler Studio of Acting in New York.
Go to the profile of Jennifer Beynar
Jennifer Beynar
Customer Happiness Officer based in Moscow and The Netherlands. An all-time explorer of international communications and company-client wellbeing alignment.
Go to the profile of Alyssa Parks
Alyssa Parks
Writing down opinions.