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TheWeeklyAlbum publishes anything music. Album reviews are a focal point written after at least 1 week of listening every day. Discover music with us. If you are a writer, write with us! Positive vibes only, Thanks for Listening!
Note from the editor

TheWeeklyAlbum publishes anything music. Album reviews are a focal point written after at least 1 week of listening every day. Discover music with us. If you are a writer, write with us! Positive vibes only, Thanks for Listening!

Go to the profile of R.J. Quinn
R.J. Quinn
Ex-Chemist, current lumberjack. Bottom Medium writer. Music, Games, Poetry, Transcendentalism. Chief editor of TheWeeklyAlbum, Ixnay on the Oufflé & Epic Poems
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Go to the profile of Vinay Bhagat