Top Stories published by Thinking Aloud in 2011

Does tradition kill innovation?

After a long break, I finally opened MS Word again to write something regarding a subject which is troubling me for a long time now. As the title here suggests it’s a thought related to progress and innovation. Does tradition kill the speed for progress by becoming a…

The Amalgamation of all senses

First of all, I’d like to thank Dove and Yahoo for choosing such a nice subject. I read a few blogs from the competition and I was really amazed by the variety of interpretations and thoughts of people. Here I am going to try to write something, I’m going to try and express

Not a fault

“What did you say? It was because of Ambedkar? I mean, I don’t know, my History was never good, He was the man who wrote the manuscript of our constitution right? Yeah, that’s him already. But wait a minute, though my schooling always fails me but I’m sure he didn’t cause this… I mean look around, Did he

Going Social…

I remember opening a Facebook account years ago. Orkut was quite a buzz that time. Now if you look back even Google can’t recollect…

A way out ?

After a post in debate board on Facebook, I thought of writing a complete blog for it. It was an idea, a thought process which somehow felt doable. I should probably do some research and come up with some statistical data before I actually write about these matters but right now it’s just an idea and I am…