The Path of the Eternal Spirit and Soul

There is no standard or required path for your Soul after your body dies in this 3D reality. Every Soul has the potential to experience something new and unique.

Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Only one life and that’s it?

For many people, ‘one life and that’s it’ seems to make a lot of sense because the subject of death is currently beyond the scope of mainstream scientific study.

As such, many of us feel that we have no other option but to completely trust what we’ve been told about ‘life after death’ by the leaders and influencers who establish the dogmas of science and religion for their own selfish agendas.

For this article, I want to repeat some of the major points — and offer links to many of my articles — related to the Path of the Eternal Soul and Spirit.

Let’s begin with…..

Accepting Death as a Part of Life

Death is not the opposite of life. It is part of life that overarches everything. It seems that whatever is born must die — yet it is only a transition to another kind of life according to the ‘infinite and eternal’ cosmic blueprint.

Coming to terms with dying is so personal that it transcends the dogma of science and religion. Each person must consider the issue of death on their own terms. But in doing so, dying should be considered as dynamic as living.

Aging and death happen to the body and the ego (click here for my articles about the human ego). The Soul and Spirit are eternal. Therefore, the person with the strongest sense of ‘Spirit self’ — who has deeply investigated the fundamental question of “Who or what am I really?” — will likely have the most calmness as death looms.

Death and Dissolution of the Physical Form

Each human’s life — in fact, every life form — represents a unique way that the ‘Creator’ experiences itself. When your physical form dies, your life comes to an end in this 3D reality illusion. But it is just one of the countless realities in which your Soul and Spirit participate.

When the ego is no longer involved in the movement toward the end of a person’s life, the approach of death becomes what it is meant to be — an opening and passage to the realm of Spirit.

The weakening or dissolution of physical form — whether through old age, illness, disability, or personal tragedy — offers the opportunity for spiritual awakening and ascension.

The spiritual realm stands ready to reveal itself in a person’s life. That is to say, a person’s inner purpose reveals itself as their outer physical form dissolves away along with the ego.

In the death experience, the Soul ceases to animate the physical body and exits through the crown chakra. It journeys the astral cord through the ethers on its way to its next stage of development — which can be in another dimension, another density of energy vibration, or a reincarnation in this 3D reality.

Opening Your Mind to the Evidence of Reincarnation

Regardless of what you were taught when you were young — and irrespective of your current skeptical beliefs — there is a mountain of scientific evidence supporting the legitimacy of reincarnation.

Thousands of reports of reincarnation have been investigated from every culture and religious upbringing. And researchers have scientifically verified reincarnation claims down to the last specific detail.

Interestingly, much of the verifiable proof regarding reincarnation comes from children — the most innocent beings of all of us — who would have no ulterior motives or agendas for making up such claims.

Understanding the ‘Why’ of Reincarnation

Many religions attempt to manipulate your understanding of the ‘afterlife.’ In some religions, humans are even conditioned to believe they will burn for all eternity after death if they don’t adhere to the dogmatic scriptures of the religion they follow. Click here for my articles regarding ‘Religious Dogma.’

It’s important to understand that the ‘afterlife’ is not about meeting demons in a fiery hell or angels in a cloudy heaven. Afterlife is part of the process of the Soul detaching from physicality and advancing to the next stage of spiritual development.

Sometimes, you may choose to reincarnate back into this 3D physical reality. Other times, you may reincarnate in a parallel world or another reality or merge with your Higher Spirit in the sixth density (click here for my series of articles regarding the ‘ALL of Existence’).

Or sometimes, you may return to total Oneness. There is no standard or required path for your Soul and Spirit after your body dies in this 3D reality. Every Soul has the potential to experience something new and unique.

The more you understand the astral plane and the spirit realms, the less frightened or disoriented you’ll be when it’s time to separate from your physical body.

Death is a Doorway to Beyond

To die is to pass into the embrace of the love and magnificence of your Higher Spirit. At death, your Higher Spirit will reach out to you and engulf you in its love for you. As you pass through Death’s Door, you become aware of the ‘authentic you’ that is part of ‘eternal infinite consciousness.

We learn about near-death experiences (NDEs) from people who have only just started to enter the death experience. And what they report does not fully reveal what awaits them after passing through ‘Death’s Door’ to the other side.

Upon the death of the physical form in this 3D reality illusion, there is absolutely no loss of awareness or consciousness. Instead, the dying person experiences themself as the Soul rising out of the body and continuing to exist seamlessly without it.

Birth and death are both transition points where your Higher Spirit moves its focus from one reality to another. It is important to understand that the countless realities in the ‘All of Existence’ are not places. They are ‘states of consciousness.’

Therefore, it’s not so much that your consciousness (Soul / Spirit) detaches from your body. It’s that you cease to identify with your ‘person’ in this 3D reality just like you cease to identify with your dream character when you awaken from a dream and remember ‘who you really are.’

The experience of leaving your body at death is liberating. It’s like removing a tight pair of pants you have worn during a journey. And the journey was so long that you became accustomed to the pants and didn’t realize how tight they were.

This liberating feeling is so powerful that it completely alters your perception of ‘who you really are.’ This is because all experiences exist in relation to each other. Therefore, to realize you have been wearing tight pants is to immediately possess a much broader perspective of reality than you did when that tightness felt normal.

This is because the ‘you’ that was feeling the tightness is no longer your ‘embodied’ self. Rather, it is your consciousness (Soul / Spirit) as it exists when it is not embodied. Click here for my article regarding your Soul, Higher Spirit, and the Creator (Source).

Beyond Death’s Door is a Higher Vibrational Energy

Science supports the spiritual view that our 3D physical reality is an illusion, and that energy can never be destroyed. It can only change form (remember Einstein’s equation, E=mc2). In other words, energy can vibrate at different frequencies but is never lost.

Scientifically speaking, physicality is nothing more than lower vibrating energy. The faster the energy vibrates, the less physical it will seem to be.

This means that in the 3D dense physical illusion, we are unable to acknowledge the higher, less dense, vibrational energy realms with our physical eyes, brain, and nervous system.

In the ‘after-this-life’ realm, we experience energy as seemingly solid as the physical realm from which we departed because we would now be vibrating at that higher frequency while in that state of being.

And while the landscape of such a higher vibrational realm would be purely nonphysical and energetic, it would seem physically solid to the Souls within it.

Life Beyond Our Death

Because our Higher Spirit transitions to — or refocuses on — some new aspect of the Soul after the death of our physical form in this 3D reality, the question becomes: Does the transition happen instantly?

And, if it is to be a reincarnation of the Soul into this or another ‘physical’ realm, is there some ‘place’ (state of consciousness) where the Soul resides after our physical death? Is there some ‘where’ the Soul can just ‘be’ and regroup before the next incarnation? A place where we also reunite with those we thought we had lost?

The answer is a resounding YES. Click here for my article regarding ‘Life between Lives.’

Another question: Is there a specific purpose for each life as we repeatedly reincarnate in this 3D reality?

Again, the answer is a resounding YES. Click here for my article regarding Reincarnation and Karma.



Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.