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Life Lessons

The Lis Experiment
The Lis Experiment
Stories, field notes, and interviews from an attempt to architect my best life.
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Fear, Anxiety, and Possibilities?

(Originally posted February 7, 2019 on The Lis Experiment Blog)

The past week or so has been another tough one full of anxiety, worry, and doubt. I spent much of my time letting my thoughts spin out of control and got very little sleep in the…

My Walk with Leo

“The enemy of creativity is fear.” ~ Seth Godin

(originally published in The Pastry Box Project.)

As I stood under the streetlights, I shivered. I gathered my coat around me, hiked up my shoulders, and cursed myself…

Living The Sync

In a continuation of my previous tale… after months of stress and lack of sleep I found myself preparing to fly to Chile…