Dear Thortspace … a question about ranking / prioritization

“I know it’s possible to rank or prioritize thorts within a group (love that feature!). Is it possible to have thorts arrange themselves within that group according to their order (top-to-bottom perhaps)? That way in “Think” mode, the user could still visualize that prioritization. I know the spherical nature of the graphics may not be conducive to that, but thought I’d ask.”

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readJun 5, 2019


This is to answer one of the questions here:

Well, I suppose it is clear that you can arrange Thorts in some kind of priority ordering manually according to your own design, so I suppose the question is can you do it automatically… Unfortunately no you can’t. At least not as at version 1.4.67 — and at least not in the way I should imagine you mean … Thort above Thort, or something like that?

I think how I would deal with this is by using a path.

For example, take this group:

Does it matter what order a viewer of this sphere considers the thorts in this group? … Perhaps it doesn’t. But perhaps under some circumstance it does.

Let’s start by creating a new arrangement

If you haven’t explored using arrangements in Thortspace, maybe start with this:

Assuming that you are already familiar with creating and using arrangements, I’ll just go ahead and create one:

Now I’ll add my additional path to indicate thort priority to new arrangement:

Only when the second arrangement is active, will I see the ordering path

Now using “Order Thorts/Groups” I’ll see the Do Mode order of the group to be consistent.

Follow along the path with the group ordering line, clicking on each Thort in turn:

Now in Do Mode, and on the Thorts hierarchy list, the thorts in the group have the same ordering:

Back in Think Mode, I’ll add another arrangement, and with that arrangement active, I’ll reorganise the thorts on my path to be in a more vertical layout. Now I can switch between the two arrangements whenever I want:


Probably the short answer to the question was Thortspace doesn’t do that yet.

But hopefully my suggestions here might usefully suggest some ways of using Thortspace which go some way to being useful in respect of the things you are wanting to do.

Many thanks again for the questions.

[The original question post is here: ]

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Breakthrough collaborative thinking, whenever and wherever you need it most. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.