Song Crush: “Bend” by Middle Kids

“Maybe you’ve gotta break me to see what I’m made of.”

Dana DuBois
Three Imaginary Girls


Middle Kids “Bend” image screenshot from YouTube

Sometimes the right song hits you at just the right moment.

I’m writing this on Valentine’s Day Eve, and since I live in Seattle that means for much of the rest of the globe, the holiday has already begun. Happy Valentine’s Day, Medium friends! I love you all dearly.

Speaking of love, some of you may read a thing or two of my misadventures in dating these past few months. It’s been… bumpy.

To catch you up: I ended a long-term relationship last summer. By October I fell hard for a man who was too distant — literally and metaphorically. In December I asked out my three first dates in over six years – which were all one-and-dones. The cause? Indifference, either theirs or mine. I entered 2024 optimistic but jeez, these first six weeks or so have been romantically bleak AF. The details are dreary, so I’ll just say: I took a few cracks at bat and struck out, quickly and painfully. I’m still bruised — literally and metaphorically, again.

So yeah, Valentine’s Day is hitting a bit weird this year.

But you know what’s hitting me perfectly right now? My new song crush: “Bend,” by the band Middle Kids, an indie-rock trio from Australia I’m…



Dana DuBois
Three Imaginary Girls

Publisher for Pink Hair & Pronouns and Three Imaginary Girls. Boost nominator. I'm a GenX word nerd living in the PNW with a whole lot of little words to share.