Montaigne’s “Of Cruelty”

What counts as being moral?

Montaigne’s essay “Of Cruelty” speaks more to virtue than evil. He’s sorting out what it means to be virtuous. In a nutshell he says, “What I have in me of good, I have by chance.” Being virtuous has to be more than just the good we…

Food Inc.

Now infamous, I watched it way back when it first came out.

I offered seeing Food Inc. as a bonus project for my students and only had 2/30 takers. The title sounds boring. And to tell you the truth, the pacing is a bit slow and tedious. I started checking my watch after about an…

Seneca’s On the Shortness of Life

Why we continue to waste time, and how to stop!

I had a brief Facebook conversation with Massimo Pigliucci about my decision to fritter away a morning watching the rain and petting my cat. He said, “It’s up to you to determine whether your…


Welcome to The Age of Absurdity

I added the subtitle above because this is one trippy film, but it’s important to see (or read this summary). It actually helps explain Trump. After Adam Curtis’s The Century of the Self, a very straight-forward…

Thrice Removed
Thrice Removed
Books, films, and lectures summarized with citations, links, and some commentary. Get the main idea before you read or in order to find that perfect, sourced, quotation. (Table of Contents:
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