Archive of stories published by Tilting Windmills

The Birth of a PIM

Hello world!!! This is the birth of my personal information management system. As a incorrigible consumer of information, I’m finally undertaking a personal objective of mine which has been floating and sometimes rattling around in my head for years: the implementation of a state-of-the-art…

Graph This!

With a bit of poking around on the web, I installed graphviz win binaries on my laptop today. After gathering up documentation, turned a dot file into a png! Now I just have to learn dot. Also uploaded the beginnings of my svg cheatsheet. I feel like between MikTex, Cmap, Geogebra, MathJax, Gimp, and…

End of the First Day

After the first day, I’ve managed to install TinyWebGallery and upload some images. I’ve also installed WordPress and the MathJax plugin and tested it. Lastly, I’ve installed Mantis to manage bugs. Hopefully these packages will meet my needs. Now I just have to learn how to manage them!

Tilting Windmills
Experiment to blog a computational-centric PIM into existence at
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