More AMP HTML Reactions and Links

Other reactions around and elsewhere to Google’s AMP HTML project:

Jeremy Keith thinks “The big players sure are going to a lot of effort to reinvent RSS but that ultimately it’s another output format and that publishers view of…

“Voter Guide That Follows the Money”

Cool: very worthwhile effort here:

“Can information about which candidates people give money to produce a better voter guide?
One problem with voter guides, despite their worthy intentions and the seriousness of

New “Subatomic Unit” of News, Politics and Advocacy

This rings very true to me, but applying to all forms of news, policy and advocacy communications:

“Wearables could make the ‘glance’ a new subatomic unit of news
I misjudged — I didn’t

Internet, You aren’t Helping: How Bad Data Spreads Faster than Good

Fascinating tool that tracks how rumors and misinformation and unverified claims spread far faster than solid, well sourced data does online…

Some great thoughts on how to surface more trustworthy news online…

Great thoughts here, by craignewmark, on some ways online platforms can encourage and reward trustworthy journalism.

The Next Stage in the Digital “Identity Wars.”

I’ve been following what is been called the “Identity Wars” for a long time. Here is a post of mine from a few years back on this exact topic. In essence it’s the same space it was then, with Google and Facebook being the prime owners of the…

The Blog of Tim Chambers
The Blog of Tim Chambers
Fascinated by new technology enabling new politics and vice-versa.
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