Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2022


Path To Life Starts with Uneven Time Flow

1) For the first step, only uneven time flow is needed (uneven time is “time dilation” discovered by Einstein vs. absolute or even time flow stated by Newton).

Time literally burns into matter and antimatter, that is how matter Universe(s) started — check HOW MATTER IS MADE AND WHERE ANTIMATTER IS story. That was observed in Fermilab in late 50s, and in galactic centers —check BURNING TIME IN LABS AND IN GALAXIES story.

“Vacuum” is “unstable”: “virtual” particle-antiparticle pairs appear, and next moment they annihilate/disappear. Uneven time flow creates asymmetry in an area and throws this balance off: some pairs miss rendezvous — miss coming back into “vacuum”.

2) Protons (hydrogen H) assemble in huge balls (stars) and burn into helium (Sun and hydrogen bomb).

If star is big enough, it burns helium further into carbon C.

Heavier stars burn carbon into nitrogen N.

And even more heavy — burn nitrogen into oxygen O.

It is the so-called C-N-O cycle in stars (all are energy efficient processes).

3) Four main elements needed for organic molecules are H, C, N, O — all the above.

Simplest H-C-N-O — organic molecules, called nucleotides, are detected in space and meteorites.

Dr. Jack Szostak (check his YouTube presentations) showed how nucleotides self-arrange in RNA, how cells emerge, and replication arises,…

4) Darwinian evolution and selection work even for molecular machines — check Life Hacked Time story. Life explores many solutions to many problems blindly and in parallel, with as many variations as resources allow, and once solution(s) found, successful models consume and deprive of resources other, less fit, models of life.

From physics perspective, time gradient is the primary power for Universe, just like proton gradient in mitochondria powers cells. And, by Einstein, gravity is nothing but a gradient in time dilation:

For example, time near the Earth runs at about one billionth rate slower than away from the Earth, and that weighs a lot to us (this is gravity for us).

Time in spiral arms of our Milky Way galaxy runs at about one thousandth rate faster than outside the arms, and that primarily caused dinosaur extinction.

Stories mentioned above are chapters from free Time Matters eBook (get PDF):

