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Times New Romance
Break-up text submissions send to asaerotica@gmail.com
Note from the editor

Since people have been falling in and out of love for centuries, you’d think we’d have figured out a way to make the whole thing easier. There’s the crying and obsessive phone calls. The 5000 follow-up texts. Unpacking treasure troves of memories, and inside jokes only you two would understand. A string of expletives, ‘I miss you’s, followed by a list of everything they did wrong and which sometimes turned into everything they did right. It was only before the invention of ghosting, someone would pull the trigger and ask: ‘can we still be friends?’ Then that’s how you knew. What were the last texts you and your person sent each other? Be a part of the world’s most comprehensive index of break-up text messages, and forward your screenshot to asaerotica@gmail.com. We will calculate the moon at the time of your message, which sign Venus was in, and post it on the page.