Archive of stories published by Tiny Tech Tales

Barrel : Taking CouchDB to the next level

Relax! Check Barrel out.

Two kinds of people usually use technologies like CouchDB.

  • Technology enthusiasts, exploring new stuff and just happened to glance through it

CloseEnough: Typo correction in Elixir

Not for production apps, or is it ?

There is a fun new package in town — CloseEnough.

You need to add a process flag for :error_handler to let CloseEnough capture all…

GSoC @ Barrel: Adding Elixir to Barrel

Hey folks, it gives me immense pleasure to let you know my proposal has been selected for this year’s Google Summer of Code with the wonderful BEAM Community. So I will be spending the summers and hopefully more coding away at Barrel.

Mixgraph : Now visualise your hex package dependencies

Create a dependency graph for any hex package published in
