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3 Tips for Beating the New Year’s Resolution Slump

Tip Yourself
Tip Yourself


More than half of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by the time February comes around. So as you approach the end of January, what’s the secret to staying on track?

Here’s 3 tips to keep yourself focused and motivated.

#1 - Use February as a Fresh Start

There’s a lot of power in a new start or fresh beginning. Author Gretchen Rubin calls it the strategy of the clean slate.

That’s what got you motivated at the start of the New Year. Now use the start of February or March as another fresh start.

Refocus. Restart. February is a new month!

#2 - Focus on Specific Habits

Big ambitious goals can fuel our motivation and get us excited. Dream Big. Be Bold!

However, when it comes to achieving those big bold dreams or changes in our lives, the secret is to focus on very specific changes to our daily or weekly habits.

Shift your focus from outcomes, weight loss, money saved or some other goal. Instead focus on the specific new habit or behavior you want to add to your life. Check out our tips for building healthy habits.

#3 - Give Yourself a Break

Let’s be real. There’s a reason most New Years Resolutions fail by the second week of February.

It’s hard to make changes in your life!

Did you lose some of your motivation recently? Give yourself a break. You’re human.

The only thing that separates you from success is your own decision to give up. So don’t give up. Instead. Start again…

That’s really the only thing you need to do. It may sound silly but it’s true. Start again. That’s the secret to staying on track.

You can do it. You can succeed where most others fail. Use the start of a new month as a clean slate. Refocus on specific habits and most importantly give yourself a break. Start again.

This year is going to be different!

This is your year!

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