Top Stories published by Together in Dignity in 2016

Anna Gave Birth


By Beatriz Monje Barón

Last month, an article in the Spanish press discussed circumstances that forced a…

Arrested over subway turnstile jumping

By: Gligor Tashkovich (United States)

I got a text message at about 9:30 am in the morning on Thursday with the cryptic words, “She was arrested.” The message was from Jeffrey. Last October, I had finally succeeded (after months of…

Poverty Indicators: How Do We Measure Change in a Person’s Life?

By: René Muhindo (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Evaluations are conducted about all aspects of modern life. They are an intrinsic part of the research conducted by the most renowned…

These were the top 10 stories published by Together in Dignity in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Together in Dignity
“Together in Dignity” brings together bloggers from four continents to reflect on a world without poverty and respectful of human rights and dignity. Inspired by the daily struggles of people living in poverty, we work to change perspectives on the world.
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