November 2018 Newsletter

Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2018

It’s November, which means a few things: autumn colours, the festive season rolling in, and the Token Team newsletter!

Let’s dive straight in.

TokenApp Alpha Rollout

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re super excited to be inviting a new wave of community members to test the Token Alpha on iOS. We have invited 300 of you to explore and play around with the TokenWallet so far this month, and we’ve already seen:

213 Token wallets created
→ Tokenauts send crypto 265 times
→ Tokenauts tap the Card tab 629 times (three times per user). Soon™️.

What’s next for the Alpha? We’re aiming to get a lot of app releases out between now and Christmas. Based on feedback, we’re already putting in important fixes and enhancements, and are adding the finishing touches on some improvements to security, including backing up your wallet.

The next step before we invite more community members in is to move from our own TKN testing environment to a wider test network. If you’ve missed out on testing and would like to get involved, keep your eyes peeled on @tokencard_io for more updates as we expand to our wider community!

Token on Tour

Our CTO, Mischa, took to the stage this week at the Internet of Banking Conference to talk about what we’re building at Token, and why. Mel was there to capture the reaction, and it seems Mischa stole the show!

Mischa on-stage at the Internet of Banking Conference

Next week our Risk and Compliance Director, Ben, is on-stage at the FinTech FinCrime Exchange Conference, discussing how regulation can enable crypto. You can grab tickets here →

Token Team Update

We have a new joiner this month; Alan, our Product Marketing Manager! Alan has three years experience in financial technology, and previously worked at a payments startup, Curve. He’s super excited to join the team, getting to know both the community and the product better. Get to know Alan here →

We’re still growing, and looking for more talented people to join the team! Check out our open roles below, or head to our Careers page for more.

👩‍💻 Product Manager

🚀 Blockchain Engineer

📱 Senior Mobile Engineer

🏠 PA/ Office Manager

📣 Community & Social Media Manager

Product, Product, Product

The past few weeks have seen us make huge strides in Product and Engineering. Alongside getting everything lined up to sign with our card issuer (we’re so excited that we’ve mentioned it twice), we also got up to:

KYC Verification & Identification Partner, Signed. We’ve invested a lot of time in getting Know Your Customer (KYC) services integrated, and we’ve now officially signed with our KYC partner. This will go a long way to protecting our users.

Smart Contract Audits. We’ve been putting our Smart Contract through its paces this month, sending it off for review from two external auditors, giving us the best chance of spotting and ironing out any issues early!

Token UX Review. While at DevCon, we got spare pairs of eyes on the TokenApp, and have already made improvements based on feedback.

You can catch all the updates elsewhere on our blog. What we’re up to →

Soon™️ Step 1 Completed

Back in October, we mapped out the three major milestones we needed to hit in order to get cards out. This month, we’re happy to announce that we ticked step one off that list: final sign-off from our card issuer!

Mischa, Mel, and Anna celebrate signing @ Devcon IV

This is a major step for us to get our first batch of cards out, and it’s been great work from all of the team to get the agreements across the line. We talk a little about what this means for Token HERE →

While you’re here, we’d love for you to join the growing Token Community. Here’s how to stay in touch:

🐦 Follow us on Twitter

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👋 Join the conversation on Reddit

🤖 Introduce yourself on our Community Discord

💳 See what we’re about at, and subscribe for updates




Monolith is the world’s first DeFi wallet and accompanying Visa debit card made for spending crypto assets anywhere.