đŸ’„ BAM! How the Be A Multiplier movement is making waves around the world.

Earlier this year, we launched the Be A Multiplier (BAM) program to help bring education and opportunity to everyone. A multiplier is someone who amplifies and empowers those around them. And the beauty is, anyone can be a multiplier.

Leah McGowen-Hare
The Trailblazer
5 min readNov 6, 2018


There’s a huge opportunity for you to have an impact wherever you are by helping others to skill-up with Trailhead. All of you can share your knowledge and drive the change you want to see in your community. And you’ve embraced this idea whole(Trail)heartedly!

Around the world, scores of you are taking the path we’ve developed and hosting Trailhead Workshops in your community. And now you’re sharing your stories to help inspire others to be part of the change.

BAM meets BMI in the UK

Take Mahat Hussein from London. He was so moved by the idea of BAM that he created his own version, Bring Me In (BMI), a 10-week program for people from a wide range of backgrounds (from Uber driver to Network Engineer), covering everything from Salesforce and presentation skills to résumé workshops.

Mahat’s idea is to support BMI participants all the way through the skilling-up process to get them in a position where they can apply for, and have a realistic chance of getting, jobs in tech.

And the program is proving successful, with one participant going from doing occasional freelance web development to landing a full-time Salesforce Developer job at a Product and Services company in the UK.

Huge congratulations, Abdul Hassan! And BAM-tastic Mahat, keep up the amazing work!

BAM for equality, down under

The Sydney Salesforce User Group worked with Community Manager SofĂ­a RodrĂ­guez Mata and members of the Sydney Salesforce Developer Group to bring a BAM equality workshop to life this August, in partnership with the Salesforce Office of Equality.

And, like all great things, it started with a trailmix — Host an Equality Workshop! Then, it was a classic case of BAM in action as folks from all parts of the #SalesforceOhana rallied to organize Tony Prophet as the guest speaker.

The most powerful stories that resonated with attendees were the different ways in which allies “turn up!” to make everyone feel included and supported, from the MLK March in San Francisco to Pride in Hyderabad.

Salesforce Certified Application Architect Heidi Mack delivered an inspiring piece about how an inclusive approach to innovation can identify hidden talent in any organization. Plus, there were lively discussions, for example, about how to apply the simple actions of inclusive leadership in day-to-day life.

BAM-tacular work, Sydney team! Way to stand together to move the needle of equality where you are.

BAM-ing sales and service teams in Ohio

After getting her own team to chase badgers with her “Just the Basics” trailmix (now 10 Trailblazers, 506 badges, 3 Rangers!), Christina Moore at P&G Professional used her BAM skills to get sales teams more engaged with the Salesforce platform.


With no budget for additional training, Christina created a custom trailmix offering a structured way to get up to speed with Salesforce using Trailhead. Now, she co-hosts bi-weekly virtual Salesforce Office Hours with her business partner, Aaron Coombs.

During these 30-minute webinars, Christina and Aaron choose a Salesforce topic, guide people through it using a corresponding Trailhead module, and do a live demo in their sandbox to show exactly how the topic relates to their specific org. Attendees complete the modules along with Christina and Aaron to earn badges. They even began to introduce Lightning this way.

Through their Trailhead Overview dashboard in Trail Tracker, they can see how users have really taken hold of Trailhead, surpassing the badge counts of some of their own IT team. Not to be outdone, the service organization have created their own trailmix and are also hitting the trails.

To date, P&G Professional has around 120 active Trailblazers who have earned 1,168 badges.

BAM! Way to multiply those numbers, Christina!

BAM-azing WIT-run workshop in India

A team of eight Women In Technology (WIT) advocates prepared and ran a BAM workshop at the MVGR College of Engineering earlier this year. They not only shared their knowledge of Salesforce, cloud computing, and CRM basics but also worked through Trailhead modules with the group to provide hands-on experience with the platform.

The event was set to last for one day but everyone was so enthusiastic to learn more that they added an extra session! Organizing the workshop amplified the confidence of everyone involved and they plan to host many more.

That’s BAM in motion — kudos, MVGR team!

Bringing the BAM spirit to Equality4All in NYC

Lead by Sandi Zellner and Umair Ilyas, the recent Equality4All event was chock full of BAM power. One of the key highlights was the human barometer activity where the group moved around the room in reaction to statements posed to them. Once a statement was read out loud, the goal was to move to a spot in the room that represented whether they agreed, disagreed, or were neutral on the topic.

Attendees were then given the chance to share their own personal reasons as to why they chose where they stood. What resulted was a fun and safe way to express opinions, experiences, and hopes for the future. Topics included:

  • “My company is actively addressing equality.”
  • “I have felt excluded or not heard in a professional environment.”
  • “I can bring my full authentic self to my workplace.”

The group found they shared a common hope for change but were still waiting for action instead of the all too common “check the equality box” mentality. By the end of the event, many said they felt better prepared to go back to their own workplaces and become multipliers for real Equality4All change.

We love to see this #BAM-power in action!

Give back and lead your own learning event

If these stories have inspired you to get involved (I mean, how can they not?), check out the trailmixes we’ve developed that give you everything you need to host a Trailhead Workshop in your community. They’re free, they’re simple, and they’ll empower you with the ready-made content you need to lead an event.

You can help people skill-up for the jobs of the future. It starts with you, but the ripple effect could be epic. Share your BAM game plan to inspire others to join the learning movement.

BAM! Be empowered. Give back. And inspire others to be part of the change.



Leah McGowen-Hare
The Trailblazer

Vice President, Trailhead @salesforce Learn in-demand skills with @Trailhead