Go to Training Center
Training Center
Conectamos pessoas que querem aprender algo relacionado a desenvolvimento de software com gente que pode guiá-las.
Note from the editor

Conectamos pessoas que querem aprender algo relacionado a desenvolvimento de software com gente que pode guiá-las.

Go to the profile of William Oliveira
William Oliveira
Engenheiro de software frontend, escritor do livro O Universo da Programação (http://bit.ly/universo-da-programacao), periférico e bissexual
Go to the profile of Mateus Malaquias
Mateus Malaquias
Baiano | Software Development Engineer | I’m a back-end developer who like to work and collaborate with teams and also have good interpersonal skills.
Go to the profile of Júlio Campos
Júlio Campos
Especialista em Tecnologia da Informação, Engenheiro de Software, Desenvolvedor de Blockchain e Web, Humano e eterno Padawan. Ruby, NodeJS, Python e Solidity.
Go to the profile of Lauren Ferreira
Lauren Ferreira
Learnin’ and leavin’ in this wonderful tech world.
Go to the profile of Rogério Munhoz
Go to the profile of William Oliveira
William Oliveira
Engenheiro de software frontend, escritor do livro O Universo da Programação (http://bit.ly/universo-da-programacao), periférico e bissexual
Go to the profile of Gabriel Santos
Gabriel Santos
Front-End Developer, passionate by tecnology, writter at @TrainingCentr and a learner for life!
Go to the profile of Gio Cruz
Gio Cruz
Software Engineer e Escritor nas horas vagas
Go to the profile of Ronaiza Cardoso
Ronaiza Cardoso
Gooling The Error Message
Go to the profile of Elton Minetto
Elton Minetto
Teacher, speaker, Principal Software Engineer @ PicPay. https://eltonminetto.dev. Google Developer Expert in Go
Go to the profile of Clara Battesini
Go to the profile of Aline Bastos
Aline Bastos
Software Architect, Mother, and Crazy Cat Lady.
Go to the profile of Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
Principal Game UX Designer @ King. Former UX Designer @ Google, Booking.com and Red Ventures. Really passionate about Design, Tech, Users, Formula 1 and Coffee.
Go to the profile of Gil Vieira
Gil Vieira
Sobre descobrir, aprender, compartilhar e evoluir.
Go to the profile of Clayton Cavaleiro
Clayton Cavaleiro
Brazilian developer in pursuit to design a perfect reliable system
Go to the profile of TK
Go to the profile of Luan AP
Go to the profile of Victor Feitosa
Go to the profile of Klaus Peter Laube
Klaus Peter Laube
Web developer, in love with Python and Django.
Go to the profile of Raul Melo
Raul Melo
Developer, passionate about coding for fun, tech addicted and open-source lover ❤
Go to the profile of Selhar
Go to the profile of Renato Dinhani
Renato Dinhani
Escrevendo sobre desenvolvimento de sistemas.
Go to the profile of Leonardo Nascimento Cintra
Leonardo Nascimento Cintra
Desenvolvedor Magazine Luiza (LuizaLabs)
Go to the profile of Victor Hugo Rocha
Victor Hugo Rocha
Desenvolvedor Web e escrevo umas paradas.
Go to the profile of Cleison Carlos
Cleison Carlos
Gestor em Sistemas de Informações, Pós em Engenharia de Software, Atualmente trabalho como Desenvolvedor Front-end | cleisoncarlos.com
Go to the profile of Danilo Vaz
Danilo Vaz
Principal Engineer at mLabs, Co-Organizer of @frontux_sjc and @beerjsSJC, Problem-Solver & JavaScript everywhere
Go to the profile of Felipe Limeira
Felipe Limeira
Developer, geek and passionate about technology.
Go to the profile of Guilherme Rodrigues Simeão
Guilherme Rodrigues Simeão
Software Developer, Músico.” O que não te desafia , não te transforma !”
Go to the profile of Safire Lauene
Safire Lauene
Desenvolvedora Front End, viciada em açúcar e café, ama gatos e que considera escrever um dos seus maiores desafios.
Go to the profile of Gilmar Soares
Go to the profile of Emanuel G de Souza
Emanuel G de Souza
To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.
Go to the profile of Bruno Agutoli
Bruno Agutoli
Full Stack Developer #opensource #js #python #react #angular #ember
Go to the profile of Bruno Rafael
Go to the profile of Raquel Luz
Raquel Luz
Streamer na Twitch, influenciadora, falo muita besteira e sou apaixonada por gatos.
Go to the profile of Eduardo Rabelo
Go to the profile of André Teles
André Teles
I’m a simple student, looking for knowlogment for become myself a great programmer.
Go to the profile of Ricardo Junior
Go to the profile of Erick Wendel
Erick Wendel
Software Consultant, Microsoft MVP, GoogleDevExpert 🇧🇷 @erickwendel_ @nodebr @onerdzao @jssaopaulo@nodeschoolsp #mvpbr #opensource #typescript #nodejs
Go to the profile of Mariana Beilune Abad
Mariana Beilune Abad
A musician mother who likes games and works with iOS programming and Javascript
Go to the profile of Diego Martins de Pinho
Diego Martins de Pinho
Professor de tecnologia, desenvolvedor de software e escritor
Go to the profile of Emerson Dias Dev
Go to the profile of Paula Diniz
Paula Diniz
Faço sites. E finjo que escrevo.
Go to the profile of Matheus Castiglioni
Matheus Castiglioni
Apaixonado pelo mundo dos códigos e um eterno estudante, gosto de aprender e saber um pouco de tudo, aquela curiosidade de saber como tudo funciona.
Go to the profile of Alexandre Malavasi
Alexandre Malavasi
Microsoft MVP | MCP | MCTS | MCPD | ITIL | .NET | MBA | MTAC | Technical Leader | Consultant | .NET Developer
Go to the profile of Matheus Barone
Go to the profile of Marcos Felipe
Marcos Felipe
Software Developer, Founder of CrowLabs and technology lover.
Go to the profile of Mariana Brito
Go to the profile of Thiago Brasil
Thiago Brasil
Webdeveloper, coffeedrinker and jedi knight | tchaguitos@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Fernanda Bernardo
Fernanda Bernardo
People & Community @appcumbuca • Simplifica News https://febernardo.substack.com/ • Front End Developer • Speaker • Writer • @help4papers • Diabetic • Taekwondo
Go to the profile of Vinícius Alonso
Vinícius Alonso
I’m a web developer passionate by Ruby and JavaScript :)
Go to the profile of Giovanni Naufal
Giovanni Naufal
Desenvolvimento Web | Vida de Expatriado | Divagações sobre a vida, o universo e tudo mais
Go to the profile of Carla Crude
Carla Crude
Cientista por formação, curiosa por nascimento e analista de qualidade de software por opção. Sempre em busca de compartilhar conhecimento!!
Go to the profile of Mateus Malaquias
Mateus Malaquias
Baiano | Software Development Engineer | I’m a back-end developer who like to work and collaborate with teams and also have good interpersonal skills.
Go to the profile of Miguel Soares
Miguel Soares
Software developer at @pagarme.
Go to the profile of Matheus Lima
Matheus Lima
Engineering Manager at Tremendous. Previously at Carta. https://twitter.com/matheusml
Go to the profile of Pacheco
SAP Developer, apaixonado por linguagens funcionais e inventar coisas
Go to the profile of Irlan Freitas
Go to the profile of Jorge Rezende
Jorge Rezende
Engenheiro de Software, Adoro ler, ouvir podcasts e escrever!
Go to the profile of Ricardo Gouveia
Ricardo Gouveia
Front-end dev
Go to the profile of Vinicius Rossi
Vinicius Rossi
Dev Front-End Angular @brqdigital | Idealizador da Agência de Viagens Los Viajeros Trips
Go to the profile of Willian Martins
Willian Martins
JS formatter/CSS tweaker @eBay. From São Paulo Brazil, but lives in Berlin. Sim racer gamer and Soccer fan.
Go to the profile of Mikael Hadler
Mikael Hadler
Front End | Open Source Developer
Go to the profile of Arthur Rodrigues
Go to the profile of Allan Sene
Allan Sene
CTO | Lead Data Engineer | Co-Founder of Data Hackers and Dadosfera. Loves science, code and cats ^*^
Go to the profile of Camila Vilarinho
Camila Vilarinho
Trying to learn a lot of things at the same time…sometimes writes about it / Women in Tech advocate / Open Source and Blockchain enthusiastic
Go to the profile of Matheus Ferraz | Relaxa, eu sou TI
Matheus Ferraz | Relaxa, eu sou TI
Analista de Sistemas, músico e consumidor profissional de café. Compartilhar conhecimento é uma das maiores satisfações. Quando não estiver online, viajou…
Go to the profile of Lucas Ricoy
Go to the profile of Wendell Adriel
Wendell Adriel
Software Engineer | Investor | Amateur Photographer | Musician | INFP
Go to the profile of Talita Pagani
Talita Pagani
Consultora de Acessibilidade na Utilizza | Neurodivergente | Mestre em Acessibilidade Web | GAIA — Autismo
Go to the profile of Renato Lipi
Go to the profile of Leonardo Cardoso
Leonardo Cardoso
Co-Founder at luna.ac
Go to the profile of Renato Groffe
Renato Groffe
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Multi-Plataform Technical Audience Contributor (MTAC), Software Engineer, Technical Writer and Speaker
Go to the profile of Mario Souto
Go to the profile of Pedro Neto
Pedro Neto
SharePoint Developer and consultant, fan of series and movies, and in my free time I try to be a cook...
Go to the profile of Matheus Fidelis
Matheus Fidelis
Power Ranger Vermelho.
Go to the profile of Augusto Amaral
Augusto Amaral
Developer at Pagar.me
Go to the profile of Luis Felipe Zaguini
Go to the profile of Leonardo Turbiani
Go to the profile of Leonardo Vilarinho
Leonardo Vilarinho
Analista de Sistemas pelo Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Go to the profile of Larissa Mourullo
Larissa Mourullo
Computer Engineering Student and Creator of Devtranslate.
Go to the profile of Hudson Brendon
Hudson Brendon
Developer and content creator
Go to the profile of Alisson Morais
Alisson Morais
Like to code, play RPG, talk to friends, travel, watch movies and series. Love his family and are always excited to explore new things
Go to the profile of Diego Garcia
Diego Garcia
NaN days ago no bug
Go to the profile of Tito Filardi
Tito Filardi
Tentando descobrir qual caminho seguir nesse labirinto de tecnologias e linguagens 😅
Go to the profile of Rafael Soares
Rafael Soares
Twitter @rafaeltravel88 | Software developer @smart-pension-technology | Engenharia Reversa @ YouTube | Learning everyday @trainingcenter
Go to the profile of Vinicius Cainelli
Vinicius Cainelli
UI Engineer, Front End Developer & Entrepreneur
Go to the profile of Livia Gabos
Livia Gabos
Atualmente Accessibility Product Owner, com conhecimentos há mais de 10 anos em UX Designer e Acessibilidade. Mestre em Ciência da Computação.
Go to the profile of Julio Lozovei
Julio Lozovei
Human, front-end developer, amateur musician, writer and speaker; problem solver. https://jlozovei.dev
Go to the profile of Ariana Pereira
Ariana Pereira
Tenho uma lista infinita de coisas q quero fazer… Bacharel em Física Médica, cursando Engenharia de Computação. Mas meu crush tb é nas artes (e filosofia).
Go to the profile of Evandro F. Souza
Evandro F. Souza
Programando nas nuvens
Go to the profile of Willian Welbert
Willian Welbert
Pressure makes diamonds!
Go to the profile of Hugo Costa
Hugo Costa
Sr Front-end Engineer @ Rocket.Chat. Apaixonado por compartilhar conhecimento, inovação e produtividade! https://linktr.ee/hugocostadev
Go to the profile of Mateus Noguez Moog
Mateus Noguez Moog
Software Developer na Pagar.me
Go to the profile of Andréa Zambrana
Andréa Zambrana
Front-end developer that eat, drink and breath CSS. Loves Carlos, kendo, books, movies, series, games and cats.
Go to the profile of Marcos Vinícius Silva
Marcos Vinícius Silva
while(true) { eat(); sleep(); randomizeAction(); }
Go to the profile of Vinicius Reis
Vinicius Reis
Fiquei sem meus peões, meu cavalo, minha torre, meu bispo… E até a rainha… Mas ainda é muito cedo para um xeque-mate. Roy Mustang — Fullmetal Alchemist
Go to the profile of Vinicius Sato
Vinicius Sato
UX/UI Designer em desenvolvimento e fã de sci-fi
Go to the profile of João Roberto da Paixão
João Roberto da Paixão
Eterno aprendiz que compartilha aquilo que aprende. Apaixonado por tecnologia, desenvolvimento pessoal e investimentos. Pai de família, um cara tranquilo =) !
Go to the profile of Alexandre Magno Teles
Alexandre Magno Teles
Citizen Scientist and Software Engineer, looking for the limits beyond mind and machine exploring the world
Go to the profile of Agnes Sem Fineza
Agnes Sem Fineza
Além da dor da pele — Jornalista, escritora, aprendiz de Programadora
Go to the profile of Rafael Sermenho
Rafael Sermenho
Analista de sistemas e apaixonado por música https://linktr.ee/rafaelsermenho
Go to the profile of Gleice Elen Silva
Go to the profile of Yuri Câmara
Yuri Câmara
Desenvolvedor Freelancer de Aplicativos e Sistemas https://yuricamara.com.br/
Go to the profile of Márcio Lucas R Oliveira
Márcio Lucas R Oliveira
JavaScript, Java, Go and PHP Developer
Go to the profile of Glauber Sampaio
Glauber Sampaio
Agilista | Palestrante. Nas horas vagas, cervejeiro caseiro, cozinheiro e músico =]
Go to the profile of lucianobarauna
Yo! ;-) I am designer and front-end developer. Use my knowledge for creating good interfaces thus providing a good user experience.
Go to the profile of RatoX
Go to the profile of João Cavalcante
João Cavalcante
Product Manager and zombie advocate
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Velho
Go to the profile of Daniel Tapias Morales
Daniel Tapias Morales
Instructor and Front-end developer at URL: serfrontend.com
Go to the profile of Bruno Nunes
Bruno Nunes
QA Professional | Requirements analyst | Dad | Husband | and practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. @b_nunes
Go to the profile of Raul Cardoso
Raul Cardoso
Desenvolvedor WEB Pleno, Mobile Hibrido e nativo!
Go to the profile of Rafael Almeida Barbosa
Rafael Almeida Barbosa
Android Developer. In love with solutions that fit in the palm of the hand
Go to the profile of Roney Stones
Roney Stones
Customer Experience & Success / Committed to simplicity / Father of five cats and one human
Go to the profile of Silvia Coelho
Go to the profile of Fabiola Faria
Fabiola Faria
SEO Specialist | #datascience Enthusiast | Dev in spare-time | @fabiola_faria
Go to the profile of Lucas Salvador
Lucas Salvador
Programador, estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas e apaixonado por compartilhar conhecimento.
Go to the profile of Igor Octaviano
Igor Octaviano
Software Engineer at @RadicalImaging | @OHIFviewer core team ☕️
Go to the profile of Julio Cesar Santos
Go to the profile of Caio Vaccaro
Caio Vaccaro
You can change direction ⛵
Go to the profile of Gleidson Ferreira
Gleidson Ferreira
I’m fascinated by web development, technology, entrepreneurship and languages study
Go to the profile of Eliseu Codinhoto (@zeucxb)
Eliseu Codinhoto (@zeucxb)
FlutterBR, @zeucxb & Dev #Flutter #Golang #Elixir #NodeJS
Go to the profile of Helder Berto
Helder Berto
Software Engineer who loves to craft challenging projects and share knowledge with people.
Go to the profile of Walter Nascimento
Walter Nascimento
Full Stack Developer | Tech Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Júlio Campos
Júlio Campos
Especialista em Tecnologia da Informação, Engenheiro de Software, Desenvolvedor de Blockchain e Web, Humano e eterno Padawan. Ruby, NodeJS, Python e Solidity.
Go to the profile of Kevin Oliveira
Kevin Oliveira
Go to the profile of Iago Rodrigues
Iago Rodrigues
Web Developer | VueJs Developer | JavaScript Lover | Freelancer | Coffee addicted | Took the blue pill
Go to the profile of Guilherme Chinaglia
Guilherme Chinaglia
Front end Web Developer
Go to the profile of Danilo Agostinho
Danilo Agostinho
Front-end developer e Instrutor na Udemy.
Go to the profile of Kirmayr Tomaz
Kirmayr Tomaz
Principal Engineer na @Midway, cantor de karaokê nas horas vagas.
Go to the profile of Felipe Inocencio
Go to the profile of Gosch
Go to the profile of Jéssica Paz
Jéssica Paz
Developer, aspiring world changer, feminist.
Go to the profile of Raphael Pinheiro
Raphael Pinheiro
Estudante de Sistemas de Informação
Go to the profile of Rogério Fonseca Gonçalves
Go to the profile of Charlotte
I tell people what I want the computer to do
Go to the profile of Vinícius Oliveira
Go to the profile of Willian Welbert
Willian Welbert
Web Programmer @ AMARO
Go to the profile of Cristiano Gonçalves
Cristiano Gonçalves
Baiano com orgulho!! — Desenvolvedor frontend e amante de nerdices, músicas e viagens.
Go to the profile of Ruan Victor
Ruan Victor
Software Engineer at @nubank
Go to the profile of Marianna Piacesi
Marianna Piacesi
Design System Ops e Organizadora da VagasUX
Go to the profile of Fabio Lenine
Go to the profile of Edgar Muniz Berlinck
Edgar Muniz Berlinck
Fullstack Web Developer & UX Designer. http://about.me/edgarberlinck
Go to the profile of Samuel Monteiro
Samuel Monteiro
Tech lead na Captalys | apaixonado por programação e desenvolvimento pessoal | Dev React e Typescript
Go to the profile of Henrique Dal Bello
Henrique Dal Bello
Knowledge is for sharing. Developing bugs since 2012 💻
Go to the profile of Eduardo Figueiredo Gonçalves
Go to the profile of Ademílson F. Tonato
Ademílson F. Tonato
Desenvolvedor apaixonado por linhas de códigos e café <3
Go to the profile of Vitor Mantovani
Go to the profile of Maycon Alves
Go to the profile of Caio Alcantara
Caio Alcantara
Traveler, father of two cats, happily married, amateur chef ❤ Mobile First thinking. Let's build cool stuff!! — Senior Front End Engineer.
Go to the profile of Raphael Anjos
Raphael Anjos
Javascript Developer.
Go to the profile of Rodolfo dos Santos Pinto
Rodolfo dos Santos Pinto
.NET Foundation | .Net Developer | Writer | Technology for Love | #Core #DevOps #Azure #NetCore