Business Registers 360 — new product from Transparent Data

Always up-to-date, full databases of Polish business registers: KRS, CEIDG, CRBR, REGON and White List in your company’s data repository? This is Transparent Data’s new product: Business Registers 360. They are not just an API with economic information or a fragment of a register. It supports advanced data analysis and automation of processes related to contractor verification.

Transparent Data
Blog Transparent Data ENG
5 min readDec 15, 2022


Business Registers 360 — up-to-date replicas of polish registers

Polish Business Registers 360 — an advanced product for data-driven business

Large organizations with their own data warehouses or thriving IT and data management departments are constantly faced with the challenge of ensuring that companies registration data is up to date. Hygiene of databases of potential and current B2B customers, information for extensive data analysis, Business Intelligence and business reports, new, more refined risk assessment scorings, automation of KYC KYB processes — there are plenty of areas where business information supports selected goals.

For years, however, one key problem in access to business information in Poland has been observed:

How to be permanently in possession of always up-to-date, absolutely all data of the Polish National Court Register, Register of Sole Proprietorships and other official databases?

Until now, Polish companies could only:

  • obtain fragments of the business register piece by piece, querying individual economic entities through the search engine of a given register or via API Poland company information,
  • hire a few people to your internal IT department or assign a few already working developers to the task of downloading entire business records — keeping the database up to date, troubleshooting original data source limits, etc. is a full-time job.

The first way is time consuming. You also need to know exactly which business entities you want to ask API about. The second way is in practice extremely costly for the budget of the organization. In addition to the high salaries of senior developers, there is also the problem of a lack of competence in RegTech on the IT market. Everyone knows that, not just technology companies & software houses.

Now, a completely new solution appears on the Polish business information market that meets the need to always have up-to-date replicas of polish registers in your data repository: Business Registers 360 from Transparent Data.

Business Registers 360 means 360° access to the data of the 5 most important Polish commercial registers

Business Registers 360 product includes databases that are replicas of the 5 registers. These are:

  • KRS — Polish National Court Register (pol.: Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy)
  • CEIDG — Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (pol.: Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej)
  • REGON — Polish National Official Business Register (pol.: Krajowy Rejestr Urzędowy Podmiotów Gospodarki Narodowej)
  • CRBR — Central Ultimate Beneficial Owners Register of Poland (pol.: Centralny Rejestr Beneficjentów Rzeczywistych)
  • List of VAT Taxpayers in Poland called The White List (pol.: Wykaz Podatników VAT Biała Lista)

By choosing this product for better data management purposes, you can be sure that you will receive fully updated Polish registry data regularly via a ZIP package with CSV and JSON files with the entire database of each registry.

How often is a new, updated Polish registry databases sent to our clients?

Depending on your needs, databases containing the latest, updated replicas of business records can be delivered to your company:

  • once a week
  • daily

✍️Get to know the details of our offer for Business Registers 360

Contact us and get to know the details of the product offer.

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What will you gain thanks to the databases of KRS, CEIDG, CRBR, REGON and the White List? Key differentiators

The Business Registers 360 database allows you to maintain high data hygiene and to easily and quickly obtain information about polish companies for various internal processes. It is a holistic, comprehensive input with business information in a data repository. It is an excellent product that facilitates the work of data management and analysis departments. It positively affects the speed of business reaction to any changes and market threats.

The needs of various departments in the company and the unlimited possibilities of using registry databases

Are you wondering in which departments such a database can be used? Will it translate into better results and acceleration of processes at all? Business Registers 360 have basically unlimited use in organizations.

Various departments can benefit from accessing up-to-date data from business records in a variety of ways:

  • Risk assessment department — streamlining the KYC KYB customer verification process through automation, improving contractors’ onboarding, building better risk assessment decision-making models.
  • Analysis department — creating industry reports based on current data and gaining support for building internal applications.
  • Sales department — access to new leads and their more effective scoring
  • Purchasing department — optimization of the costs of cooperation with suppliers thanks to access to information about other similar entities.
  • Finance department — automating the process of verifying contractors, e.g. in terms of up-to-date status in VAT.
  • Data management department — access to a clean and good-quality, up-to-date database for business, the prospect of building modern Business Intelligence tools.

Lower cost than acquiring business registers of Poland with your own IT resources

If your company wanted to replicate business records on its own, it would probably involve creating a completely new IT team of at least 4 or 5 people.

However, know that:

  • The costs of purchasing our new product Business Registers 360 are much lower than the sums that have to be spent on maintaining an IT team of several people.
  • We will do work that would be too much distraction and burden for your IT department.
  • Business Registers 360 product was created by a team of specialized programmers from Transparent Data. Sources of economic information have no secrets for us — we work with them on a daily basis.

What does Business Registers 360 mean for your IT and data management?

  • This Transparent Data product makes it easy to: introduction of effective data management procedures in the company, which previously, for various reasons, may not have been realistic.
  • It positively affects the purity of data records held in the repository, which in turn translates into more accurate business analyzes and reports or more precise risk assessment models.
  • Access to current full data from Polish business registers KRS, CEIDG, REGON, CRBR and from the White List allows you to build modern Business Intelligence tools.

