The report on Polish companies 2022

The Polish Companies 2022 Report is the latest company information based on data from business registers of Poland, KRS and CEIDG. Find out how many sole proprietorships and enterprises were in Poland in 2022.

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10 min readJan 12, 2023


The report on Polish companies 2022

Introduction to the Polish Companies 2022 Report

If you in a need for a credible company information from Poland via API, let us know via our website, Transparent Data. As one of the best business data providers, we always have actual data. And if you’re just curious about the state of Polish companies, enjoy this short report.

In Poland, entrepreneurs can decide to set up two types of business:

  • commercial company (personal or capital) — economic information about these companies can be found in the Polish National Court Register (pol.: Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy)
  • sole proprietorship, which is subject to registration in CEIDG, i.e. the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (po.: Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej)

How many companies were in Poland in 2022? Companies listed in the KRS and CEIDG registers with an active business status (data for December 2022)

  • sole proprietorships (pol.: jednoosobowe działalności gospodarcze) — almost 2.8 million
  • limited liability company (pol.: spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością) — over 478 thousand
  • limited partnership (pol.: spółki komandytowe) — almost 33.7 thousand
  • general partnership (pol.: spółki jawne) — over 31.2 thousand
  • joint-stock company (pol.: spółki akcyjne) — almost 8.6 thousand
  • simple joint-stock company (pol.: proste spółki akcyjne) — 1.2 thousand
  • limited joint-stock partnership (pol.: spółki komandytowo-akcyjne) — almost 3.66 thousand
  • partnership companies (pol.: spółki partnerskie.) — over 2.36 thousand

In total, there were over 559 thousand active commercial companies in Poland at the end of 2022–29 thousand more companies in total than in the previous year (to see historical data, check the Polish Companies Report 2021). In total, there were over 694 thousand active entities, i.e. not only companies, but also associations, foundations and cooperatives (24 thousand more than in 2021).

Want to know how many businesses in Poland are women-owned?

Sole proprietorships in Poland 2022

Number of new businesses, closings, suspensions and renewals according to data from CEIDG

Sole proprietorships in Poland 2022— new companies, dissolutions, suspensions, renewals

Business information from CEIDG, which we present in this Polish Companies 2022 Report, shows that over 300 thousand new business activities were established throughout 2022, which is only 10 thousand more than last year. Compared to the data from 2021 in the current year:

  • in total, about 16 thousand more companies closed their operations
  • 39 thousand more companies was suspended
  • almost 93 thousand entrepreneurs decided to resume operations in 2022, i.e. 19 thousand more than in the previous year

In the previous report, where we took into account data from 2020 and 2021, we could see a large increase in suspensions of business activities in CEIDG in 2021 — then they were suspended as much as 73% more often than in 2020. This year the difference is much smaller and is 39 thousand suspended polish sole proprietorships less than last year.

Sole proprietorship in Poland 2022 — opening and closing of companies in months

Limited liability companies in Poland 2022

Openings and closings of limited liability companies according to data from the Polish National Court Register (KRS)

Limited liability companies in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions

Limited liability companies in Poland have been consistently considered the most popular legal forms of commercial companies for years. At the end of 2022, there were almost 649 thousand of them registered in the Polish National Court Register. It is worth knowing that not only commercial companies, but also entities such as associations, foundations, cooperatives and guilds of various crafts are required to register in the KRS. Which does not change the fact that limited liability companies constitute the largest group of entities in the Polish National Court Register — they constitute as much as 68% of all entities registered there.

In 2022, slightly more than 48 thousand new limited liability companies were opened — over 2.6 thousand less than in the previous year. Compared to 2021, slightly more limited liability companies were closed, almost 1.2 thousand.

In which month in 2022 the most limited liability companies were established? Most limited liability companies, almost 5.5 thousand, were registered in January. The fewest companies of this type were opened in the summer season, which is not an extraordinary phenomenon — in previous years, also the fewest limited liability companies were opened between July and September.

When it comes to dissolutions of limited liability companies, we can clearly observe that in 2022, starting from March, more limited liability companies were closed than in the same months but previous year. The largest number of limited liability companies, almost 1.4 thousand, were closed in November 2022.

Limited liability companies in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions by months

Limited partnerships in Poland 2022

Openings and closings of companies according to data from the KRS

Limited partnerships in Poland 2022— new businesses and dissolutions

Since the entry into force of the CIT tax in Poland, partnerships, and more precisely limited partnerships, have begun to lose their popularity. However, the Polish Companies 2022 Report shows that compared to the previous year, many more entrepreneurs decided to set up a limited partnership. There is also a decrease in the number of closed limited partnerships — in 2021 almost 4.3 thousand were closed, while in 2022 almost 3.9 thousand.

The largest number of limited partnerships in Poland was opened at the beginning of 2022 from January to April, then the number of new limited partnerships decreased from 236 companies per month to 150. The fewest limited partnerships were established in November 2022 — only 89 companies — that is 47 companies less than last year in the same month.

In 2022, less limited partnerships decided to terminate their operations. In the previous year, there were 4,297 companies, while in 2022, 3,895.

Limited partnerships in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions by months

General partnerships in Poland 2022

Data from the KRS about open and closed general partnerships in Poland

General partnerships in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions

In 2022, 3x less general partnerships were established in Poland than in 2021. Significantly more general partnerships were closed this year, as much as 1,122 more than in 2021. In 2020, more than 2x less general partnerships were established than in 2021, which indicates that perhaps in 2021 general partnerships turned out to be an extremely attractive legal form for Polish entrepreneurs to conduct business, but in 2022 they will not.

The largest number of general partnerships in 2022 were established in Poland at the beginning of the year — in later months, approximately 80 general partnerships were established per month. When it comes to closing general partnerships, most of them were closed in March 2022 (280 companies).

General partnerships in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions by months

Joint-stock companies in Poland in 2022

Data from the KRS on openings and closings of companies

Joint-stock companies in Poland 2022— new businesses and dissolutions

In 2022, almost 2x less joint-stock companies were established in Poland than in the previous year. In 2021, as many as 412 joint-stock companies were closed. In 2022, this was the fate of 92 less joint-stock companies. In total, in 2022, 182 new joint-stock companies were established, and 320 were closed. At the moment, there are over 8.4 thousand joint-stock companies active in Poland.

The largest number of joint-stock companies, 33, were established in August 2022. In the previous year, according to data from the Polish National Court Register, entrepreneurs in Poland were more willing to establish joint-stock companies at the beginning of the year. In December 2022, no joint-stock company was established, and in the previous year, only 4 joint-stock companies were established in the same month.

The largest number of joint-stock companies were closed in April 2022 (37 companies), and the fewest in July (15) and December (8).

Joint-stock companies in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions by months

Limited joint-stock partnerships in Poland 2022

Openings and closings of companies according to data from the Polish National Court Register

Limited joint-stock partnerships in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions

In 2022, almost 5x more limited joint-stock partnerships were established than in 2021. It may come as a surprise that almost as many companies of this type as in the previous year were also closed in 2022. In 2021, only 1 more company was closed than in 2022. The difference in the number of closed limited joint-stock partnerships in 2020 and 2021 was 30 companies.

In total, there are over 3.6 thousand limited joint-stock partnerships operating in Poland (as at the end of December 2022).

Data from the Polish National Court Register show that the largest number of limited joint-stock partnerships in Poland in 2022 were established at the beginning of the year. Since March, the number of new companies has dropped sharply from over 150 companies per month to 2 companies opened in November. No limited joint-stock partnership was established in December 2022.

When it comes to the closing of limited joint-stock partnerships, in 2022 the fewest were closed during the holiday season (June — 12 companies), and the most in November 2022 (28 companies). In 2021, most of the limited joint-stock partnerships were closed at the beginning of the year between January and March (99 companies in total). The least in August 2021 — by only 5 limited joint-stock partnerships.

Limited joint-stock partnerships in Poland 2022— new businesses and dissolutions by months

Partnership companies in Poland in 2022

Data from the KRS on open and closed companies

Partnership companies in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions

Our Report of Polish Companies 2022 could not miss partnership companies established in Poland. In 2022, almost 2x less partnership companies were established than in 2021. Almost 2x more partnerships compared to 2021 ended their operations in 2022. At the end of December, 2.4 thousand of this legal form of partnership was registered in the Polish National Court Register (with the status of “active “).

Most partnerships were established in January and July 2022 (12 companies each). In December 2022, no partnership company was established, and in the corresponding month of the previous year, only 2 partnerships of this type were opened. Most partnerships were closed in April — as many as 23, and the fewest in June (3 companies). In 2021, the largest number of partnership companies stopped their operations in June (13), and the fewest in February and August (3 companies each).

Partnership companies in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions by months

A simple joint-stock company in Poland in 2022

How many companies were opened in 2022 according to data from the Polish National Court Register?

Simple joint-stock companies in Poland 2022 — new businesses and dissolutions by months

A simple joint-stock company (pol.: prosta spółka akcyjna or PSA) is a new legal form of the company that debuted in July 2021. It was supposed to be a response to business needs, but according to data from the Polish National Court Register, PSA is still not very popular in Poland. In 2021, 293 simple joint-stock companies were created since July. None of these companies ended operations in 2021. In 2022, more than 2.5 times more of this legal form of company was established than in the previous year. However, at the end of December, there are only slightly more than a thousand such companies in the KRS. Data from the POlish National Court Register show that in 2022, 6 of the PSAs established from July 2021 ended their operations.

Simple joint-stock companies in Poland — new businesses by months in 2022

And how many companies were in Poland in 2021 and before?

Transparent Data, as a provider of business information from such registers as KRS, CEIDG, REGON, CRBR or the White List, has been continuously preparing a report since 2018 showing how many companies were established and closed in Poland in a given year. Other lists from previous years can be found below:

