Top Stories published by TreeNodes in 2009

Websites and Web Projects

Apress — Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 Second Edition says:

Websites and Web Projects 
Somewhat confusingly, Visual Studio offers two ways to create an ASP.NET-powered web 
• Project-based development: When you create a web project, Visual Studio…

ORM tools “.Net”

  1. ADO.NET Entity Framework, Microsoft’s ORM (released with .NET 3.5 SP1)
  2. Base One Foundation Component Library, free or commercial
  3. BCSEi ORM Code Generator, free or commercial
  4. Business Logic Toolkit for .NET, open source

List of countries, cities, languages

I found that the best free database contains data about countries, cities and languages is in MYSQL called World and you can download it from this URL

Also I created a MS SQL script to create the db in sql server, and attached you will find…

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