PHP contact form with Google reCaptcha

A contact form is a web-based form on a website that is used by the user to contact the site…

Request runtime permissions in Android — trinitytuts

From Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) API 23 you need to request permission when users install and launch your app. You can also request permission in run time like when your app needs to access the camera you can request permission to access…

How to remove PPA in Linux Server

There are several ways to remove PPA in Ubuntu. You can do it from the Software Sources list, by removing the source files from the directory or the simplest way by using the apt command.

CakePHP 4 ACL implementation

CakePHP is a free open-source framework just like Larvel. CakePHP follows Model View Controller (MVC)…

Install PHP 8.0 on Ubuntu server

PHP 8.0 is released on November 26, 2020. You can download PHP 8.0 from It’s a new major version, which means it will have some breaking change and lots of new features and performance improvement. Due to breaking change, you need to update your code to run on…

Upgrade PHP in NGINX

In this post, I will explain to you how we can upgrade the PHP version to the latest version. With the help of this post, you are able to update to PHP version on the ubuntu server.

Add PPA to install PHP 7.4

Trinity tuts is a programming blog for developer and beginners who want to learn different technology like google, website, php, ajax, android, jquery, css
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